Tag Archives: innovation

Maine lobsterman creates revolutionary product with simple tweak – The EZ Block

ez blockLobstering in the Gulf of Maine is tough work. There are a multitude of tasks that cause never ending wear and tear on just about every body part that you could think of, especially in areas like the shoulders, lower back, elbows, and knees. Now, thanks to David Hiltz Jr., of Deer Isle, there’s a new product on the line that could help lobstermen haul their traps more safely and efficiently. Read the rest here Video,   15:02

Watch out, NOAA: SMAST is innovating again – GO SMAST, GO!!!

Dr. Kevin Stokesbury

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Dr. Kevin Stokesbury posed a challenge: How do you count fish in the ocean without killing them, in particular yellowtail flounder? It’s an important question because fishermen simply do not trust NOAA’s survey methods. Many believe fish are severely undercounted because the NOAA researchers on the ship Bigelow don’t seem to know what they are doing when they go fishing. It’s killing the industry. excitedly continued.