Tag Archives: Kimberly Chauvin
Oil spill in Terrebonne Bay on opening day of shrimp season causes grief for fishermen
A Terrebonne Bay oil spill on the first day of Louisiana’s inshore shrimp season has taken a toll on some local fishermen, who say they received no warning of the incident until many hours after it occurred and as a result ended up with fouled nets and oiled boats. The Coast Guard said it was notified through the National Response Center at 3:01 a.m. Monday that a tank platform collapsed at the Hilcorp Caillou Island facility in Terrebonne Bay. “I went out on the opening and I kept pushing all that night,” said Terrebonne Parish shrimper John Sophin. “I didn’t know about the spill, nobody warned me, I didn’t know where it was at.” >click to read< 08:54
Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries describes floodwater impacts on LA seafood as ‘extreme’. Fishermen are concerned.
Scientists pointed out significant numbers of fin fish, shrimp, crab and oysters lost so far this year, with the sharpest declines seen at oyster beds. Marine fisheries biologist Nicole Smith said oyster men have reported 60% to 100% mortality rates among coastal oysters.,,, Kimberly Chauvin attended the meeting to represent the David Chauvin Seafood Co. in Dulac. She said her central location dodged the worst of the floodwater intrusion, but she is concerned about the flood of toxins the floods carry with it. Video, >click to read< 15:34
Do YOU want to know where your seafood is from in a restaurant? – Please sign the petition.
Louisiana HB 335 Is about mandating restaurants to label country of origin on their menus, boards and signs with no exemptions. This a health concern for Louisiana citizens and tourists due to the many studies showing the widespread use of illegal substances, bacteria and antibiotics showing up in imported shrimp. WE ARE ASKING FOR YOUR SUPPORT OF HB 335. Please take the time to contact your House of Representatives to tell them you’re in support of HB 335 through a phone call or email. Thank you! >Please sign the petition. >click here<
This! A Cajun protest for genuine Louisiana seafood- WATCH! – “What we have here is the restaurants are really committing fraud on their customers,” >click to read<11:02