Tag Archives: lease options
Opposition expressed to salmon fish farm proposal for St. Mary’s Bay
January 22, 2020
Canada, International News
There were packed rooms in Digby for two open houses on Jan. 15 held by salmon fish-farming company Cermaq, that has operated on the west coast of Canada and hopes to establish operations on the east coast.,, The majority of people who attended the recent sessions in Digby expressed opposition,,, “You have just met people who have a vested long-term interest here. We live here, it’s our community,” said local resident Shirley Langpohl. “We want you to understand we didn’t invite you. We don’t want you here. We love our fishing industry and our community and St. Mary’s Bay is an environmental nightmare with you. One broken cage and we have a horror. We want you to go.” >click to read< 08:58