Tag Archives: Lois Newell
Perils of fishing in high seas keep mother glued to marine radio
December 5, 2015
Lois Newell didn’t let her ears travel far from “the set” on Friday afternoon. The marine radio crackled and buzzed and broke out from time to time with the voices of the fishermen of Cape Sable Island. She was listening for her son. “All I know is that a wind raised up, a lop hit the boat and that all the men got off,” said the 70-year-old mother, who has spent countless hours listening to the VHF radio for the men of her life. “This morning it was still afloat but drifting, so Andrew’s gone out on another boat to get it.” At about 7:30 p.m. Thursday, the Cape Islander Sarah Elizabeth was making its way,,, Read the article here 11:16