Tag Archives: Mother Nature
Winds stymie crab fishery on east coast of province
Since the arrival of Europeans on the shores of Newfoundland, harvesting of the fisheries has been heavily controlled by one major factor, Mother Nature. Winds, tides, and ice conditions determines when and where harvesting of the resource occurs. Modern day fisheries are no exception. Last year harvesting of snow crab was hampered by the arrival of ice on the northeast coast. For several weeks the ice packed into the various crooks and crannies that dot our bays and inlets keeping crab boats secured to the wharves. Harvesting was delayed as the ice drifted to and from the coastline. Photo’s >click to read<
Mother Nature to blame for higher shrimp, crab prices – video
Louisiana hasn’t seen the last of those cold winter temperatures. Mother Nature is having an effect on seafood in the state, Crawfish season was delayed by two months and now shrimp and crab season is also behind. Prices for both are some of the highest they’ve been since the 1970’s. Read more here 19:52
Fishermen are still at the mercy of Mother Nature
But fishermen today can take heart from the following story written by Frank Weeks and published in The Guardian May 29, 1961. “Lobster fishermen in Alberton and Tignish set their traps on 30 May 1961, possibly the latest date ever recorded for the spring season in,,,In his story, Weeks writes of some of the older fishermen who remember times when they had to fish lobster through the ice and special gear had to be used. “They say it has been 50 years since they were forced to fish lobsters through the ice. Back in the years around 1911, Read more here 23:27