Tag Archives: N.C. Marine Fisheries Commission
N.C. Marine Fisheries Commission: Fisheries advisors sought
N.C. Marine Fisheries Commission is looking for commercial and recreational fishermen and scientists for advice on various fisheries topics. Two regional advisory committees — northern and southern — and three standing advisory committees — Finfish, Habitat and Water Quality, and Shellfish-Crustacean — review referred matters from the commission and recommend management strategies. more@jdnews 17:05
N.C. Marine Fisheries Commission will decide Aug. 29 whether to approve a petition that has received opposition from commercial fishermen, others
If approved, the proposed rule would halt shrimp and crab trawling in North Carolina inshore waters. The petition was filed by Timothy Hergenrader of New Bern, who cites Division of Marine Fisheries documents and says the reclassification would protect juvenile fish of species such as weakfish, croaker and spot, which are being caught as bycatch in trawl nets. more@jdnews photo kinston.com 11:03
NMFS pressures N.C. Marine Fisheries Commission over observer coverage, commercial license fees and permit fees could go up!
Carteret County News-Times – The N.C. Marine Fisheries Commission doesn’t want to take chances with funding for the state’s federally required observer program through a state budget line item; if the program doesn’t get funding, fisheries will close for lack of a federal permit related to taking sea turtles and Atlantic sturgeon, both protected species. continued
N.C. Marine Fisheries Commission give final amendment approval
The MFC also has on their meeting agenda adoption of the draft amendment to the Estuarine Striped Bass Fishery Management Plan and accompanying rules. Among the proposed changes is a proposal to remove the prohibition on the sale and purchase of striped bass taken by hook-and-line gear. Other items on the MFC’s meeting agenda include approval of the goals and objectives for the DMF to development amendments to the Bay Scallop and River Herring FMP’s and a review of the timeline, goal and objectives for development of an amendment to the Shrimp FMP. The commission will also take public comment on any fisheries issue at 6 p.m. Wednesday and 9 a.m. Thursday. Read more