Tag Archives: Nantucket Sound Mobile Gear Regulations

Petition: All Against Changes to Current Nantucket Sound Mobile Gear Regulations

This petition has been created to bring awareness to the state of Massachusetts from the people who would like regulations of Nantucket Sound mobile gear to remain at their current status. The town of Nantucket is currently petitioning the right to fish inside of three nautical miles from the coast with mobile gear. This will greatly impact the permit holders, long standing fishermen, and their families who have fished these waters for decades. There is no environmental proof that this closure will have any impact at all. The squid fishery is an ecofriendly industry that supports many fishermen, families, and shore side operations and should remain this way. Throughout the years, Massachusetts has continuously managed mobile gear within Nantucket sound successfully and drastic changes to its regulations will have a detrimental impact on the Fishing Community. Please sign the petition! Click here 17:04