Tag Archives: NMFS

NMFS looking at changes to fisheries financing program

nmfs_logoThe agency, or NMFS, has published an advanced notice of proposed rulemaking in the federal register seeking comments on possible changes to the program that would allow the fund to be used for vessels that would have an increased harvesting capacity. Read more here 06:56

The Morons at NMFS, US Fish and Wildlife, Rubber Stamp Cape Wind

A day after the U.S. Department of Energy conditionally approved a $150 million loan for Cape Wind, two other federal agencies on Wednesday filed required paperwork that seemingly gives the project’s developer another in a string of legal victories. Read more here 06:20

The predator-prey model presented at Congressmen Teirney and DeFazio’s MSA Listening Session in Gloucester by Dr. Carmine Gorga

Carmine Gorga* July 1, 2014 Thank you, Congressman Tierney Thank you Congressman DeFazio For coming to Gloucester. There is much that the US Congress can do to help a fishing community like Gloucester. Today I would like to focus our attention on issues of science. Specifically, the existence of the predator-prey model of relationships among fish stocks—and its absence from the deliberations of NOAA and NMFS. Read the presentation here  12:01

Lobstermen in Maine are not happy about this’: Feds finalize whale-safe rules for lobster buoy lines

ELLSWORTH, Maine — Federal fisheries officials have issued the final version of a new rule aimed at protecting whales from getting entangled in fishing lines that connect surface buoys to traps on the ocean bottom. Read more here 06:06

Conservationists challenge Obama’s Columbia salmon plan

Conservation groups and salmon advocates have challenged the Obama administration’s latest plan for making Columbia Basin dams safe for salmon. NOAA Fisheries NMFS said in a statement that the agency has made “clear and demonstrable progress in rebuilding salmon and steelhead runs throughout the Columbia Basin,” and it expects progress to continue. Read more here 11:12

11 groups helping NMFS develop disaster funds spending plan

Congress appropriated the funds earlier this year in response to the 23523_354387901211_7651997_aon the Yukon River in 2010, 2011 and 2012, the Kuskokwim River in 2011 and 2012 and for Cook Inlet’s 2012 salmon fisheries. Now the agency, or NMFS, has been working to determine how to spend that money. Read more here  16:19

Trouble in Paradise? WPFMC Destroys Tape of Secret Meeting – Council Staff Limits Public’s Access to Documents

On Feb. 24, just a few days after learning of the existence of the recording, we filed a formal Freedom of Information Act request to obtain a copy of it. The response came on April 4. “The Western Pacific Fishery Management Council staff has advised that an audio recording of the subcommittee meeting was erased on February 22, 2014,” stated the letter signed by Samuel D. Rauch III, administrator of the National Marine Fisheries Service. “We are in the process of reviewing the circumstances of this action.” Read more here  16:05


The Magnuson Act: It’s a Keeper

Healthy oceans and well-managed fisheries improve coastal economies, enhance recreational fishing opportunities and provide fresh, local seafood to consumers. And while many fisheries,,, Read more here 18:04

NOAA – Public Comment – The GARFO Collection – Vessel Identification Changes

The official number must be displayed on the port and starboard sides of the deckhouse or hull, and on an appropriate weather deck so as to be clearly visible from enforcement vessels and aircraft. The display of the identifying characters aids in fishery law enforcement. Read more here  16:32

White House Releases National Climate Action Plan

Today the White House released the 3rd National Climate AssessmentThe report finds that climate change is not a distant threat, but it is affecting the American people already. These findings underscore the need for urgent action to combat the threats from climate change, protect American citizens and communities today, and build a healthy, sustainable future for our children and grandchildren.
NOAA (including Fisheries) had major roles in all aspects of this report from overall leadership to developing technical reports to expert scientists crafting the final assessment chapters. Fisheries had variety of roles including leading the team that did the technical report on climate impacts on US ocean ecosystems (ST) to expert scientists participating in various stages of the assessment. This is the first climate assessment report that will have specific chapters dedicated to current and projected climate impacts on U.S. oceans and coasts. The chapter on oceans highlights the growing evidence of current and expected future impacts on physical, chemical, and biological ocean components (e.g., fish stock distributions) and some social/economic impacts.16:17

No snapper fishing for all

Maybe we should all be asking for a temporary closure of all federal RED SNAPPER fishing. It has been proven in court that they (National Marine Fisheries Service-NMFS and NOAA, do not have a clue what they are doing.,,Fire– Roy Crabtree and Andy Strelcheck– from the NMFS, NOAA.  Get  the environmental groups like Oceans Conservancy, EDF, Pew and their puppet groups like Share the Gulf, out of fisheries Management. Read more here  17:34

Louisiana commercial fishery tops Gulf of Mexico in total catch and revenue

nola logoLouisiana commercial fishers in 2012 had the largest amount of commercial seafood landed in the Gulf of Mexico and garnered the most revenue from that catch in the region, according to a National Marine Fisheries Service report released on Tuesday. Read more here  22:50

Skyrocketing shrimp prices put squeeze on restaurants, stores

The price of shrimp has skyrocketed in the last four years, with the price for the largest shrimp increasing from $6.40 per pound in 2010 to $10.05 per pound. chron.com  Read more here  20:37

Dolphin Expert Stephen McCulloch Fired By FAU, Seeks Reinstatement

Stephen McCulloch wants his job back. A prominent master of the arcane art of dolphin rescue, for more than a decade he was a leader and key force at the Marine Mammal Program at FAU’s Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute (HBOI). Last February 14 he was fired. browardpalmbeach.com  Read more here  10:41

VIDEO – Bureau of Land Management, NOAA, NMFS, US Interior, BOEM, National Ocean Policy Same Same Same

Support Nevada Cattle Rancher Cliven Bundy – You will be supporting your industry too.  This is all too familiar. It must stop. Watch this video. 10:22

NMFS give go-ahead to new Steller sea lion management – Oceana “We cannot and will not,,,

The National Marine Fisheries Service announced April 2 that the North Pacific Fishery Management Council’s preferred management measures to protect the western distinct population segment of Steller sea lions in the western Aleutian Islands would not cause jeopardy or adverse modification to the sea lion habitat. Read more here alaskajournal 17:24

Nonprofit Center for Sustainable Fisheries backs suit against NOAA policy

gdt iconviewer-call-to-action-e1381518852468Key quotes – charging National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s inability to utilize the best science available led to an “arrogation of power where basic principles of science and the law are ignored to further an agency agenda at the expense and livelihood of fishing communities.”NOAA failed to adhere to “basic scientific principles” and ignored congressional intent “The defendant, expecting the courts to defer to its ‘expertise,’ has become lackadaisical in its actions, management measures and standards for quality fisheries science,” “Unfortunately, the agency did not learn from the scallop and pollock examples,” Read more here 07:45

NMFS names 10 groups to develop the $20.8 million disaster relief plans

23523_354387901211_7651997_aEarlier this year, Congress appropriated $75 million for those disasters and others throughout the country. Since February, the federal fishery managers have been working with the state and others to develop a plan for distributing Alaska’s appropriation. According to an update on the agency’s website, 10 organizations are proposed to help develop a spending plan. Read more here  12:42:

California Department of Fish and Wildlife, NMFS – white shark endangered status not warranted – Lawsuits anyone?

Oceana, the Center for Biological Diversity and Shark Stewards submitted the state listing petition – as well as a federal one – in August 2012. National Marine Fisheries Service declined to protect great white sharks off the coast of California under the Endangered Species Act. Read more here lakeonews.com 07:46

Fishing does not threaten sea lions in Aleutians, says new NOAA Bi-Op

FISH-With-Mic-Logo-GRAPHIC-303-x-400-e1360148757522Proposed changes to fishing restrictions in the Aleutian Islands are not likely to jeopardize the continued existence of the endangered western population of Steller sea lions or adversely modify Steller sea lion critical habitat, according to a biological opinion issued today by NOAA Fisheries under the Endangered Species Act. Read more here Laine Welch  15:50

NOAA Looted SK Money: Research projects in New England and the Mid-Atlantic are expected to receive nearly $5.6 million

nmfs_logo“Today’s announcement is great news for fishing communities in the Greater Atlantic Region,” said John Bullard, administrator, NOAA Fisheries NMFS Greater Atlantic Regional Fisheries Office. “Many impressive proposals were submitted for these grants and the funds will support a wide-range of projects to help fishermen and the fishing industry. I’m pleased that so many of the selected projects were from partnerships of fishermen and scientists from this region.” Read more here  16:06

East Coast Climate Change & Fisheries Governance Workshop March 19 – 21,

nefmc logo



Information, and Agenda here 11:14

Disaster funds on hold until state, AVCP agree on split

23523_354387901211_7651997_aAlaska is set to receive $20.8 million for the 2012 salmon fisheries disasters, but how the money will be used is still being decided. First the State of Alaska and the Association of Village Council Presidents, or AVCP, must work on how to split the funds between Cook Inlet and Yukon-Kuskokwim stakeholders, said Art Nelson, policy and outreach director for the Bering Sea Fishermen’s Association. Read more here  16:20

NMFS accused of letting Stanford University harm fish, sued by ecoquack Our Children’s Earth and Ecological Rights Foundation

kevinhearnOur Children’s Earth and Ecological Rights Foundation filed the lawsuit Tuesday in U.S. District Court in San Francisco, claiming the service is not properly protecting steelhead trout in San Francisquito creek. Read more here mymotherlode  18:13


NOAA Fisheries  NMFS provided notice Friday of the immediate effect of regulations of the International Pacific Halibut Commission (IPHC). The commercial IFQ halibut season opened at noon local time today in Alaska. Read more here sitnews  09:37

No Cause Identified for 2011 Northern Pinnipeds Unusual Mortality Event

(SitNews) Ketchikan, Alaska – NOAA Fisheries announced recently that no specific cause has yet been found for the elevated numbers of sick or dead seals with skin lesions discovered in the Arctic and Bering Strait regions of Alaska in mid-July of 2011.  Read more@sitnews  13:41

Stock Assessment Prioritization: Guiding decisions on which fish stocks to assess

nmfs_logoWhat are stock assessments?  Assessments for managed fish and shellfish stocks are an important core activity of NOAA NMFS. Why is prioritization needed?  There are 478 managed stocks in 46 Fishery Management Plans (Annual Report on Status of U.S. Fisheries). Presently, NOAA NMFS has the capacity to update only about 100 assessments each year. How will prioritization work?  What are the next steps? Read [email protected]  13:02

NMFS to cover all groundfish sector at-sea monitoring costs for fishing year 2014

nmfs_logoToday, NOAA Fisheries announced that the agency will cover observer and at-sea monitoring costs for groundfish sectors in 2014 to meet the requirements developed and recommended by the New England Fishery Management Council under its groundfish plan. Read more here  15:13

Gang Green Extorting NMFS – Speed up sea turtle analysis – Or Pay Our Litigators.

wogangsterumdieeckeknallen-hauptfotoThe Center for Biological Diversity, Turtle Island Restoration Network, Sea Turtle Conservancy and Oceana contend that shrimp nets in the Gulf of Mexico and Southeast Atlantic drown more than 53,000 threatened and endangered sea turtles a year. A letter sent Wednesday began a 60-day settlement period required before suing under the Endangered Species Act. Read [email protected]  07:13:54

Sackton: NMFS, DOC to blame for 38% drop in New England haddock revenue since 2011,- (And their ecoevangelical ENGO’s masters are too!)

We have been struck by the success of the recent Canadian winter haddock season. In January, in just a few ports in Nova Scotia, Canadian boats landed more than 2,000 metric tons of haddock (nearly 4.5 million pounds). The newspapers were filled with stories of overloaded harbors, full processing plants, and higher revenue based on great market prices.,,,Meanwhile, the fisheries disaster in New England keeps unfolding. According to a recent letter from the chair of the New England council to the head of the Department of Commerce (DOC), 2013 groundfish landings in New England will be around 43.4 million pounds, with revenue of only $55.8 million. This represents a 38% reduction in revenue since 2011. No wonder New England fishing businesses outside of the scallop industry are facing extinction. Read more@undercurrent  14:24