Tag Archives: obama-administration

Fishermen, lawmakers blast Atlantic Coast drilling plan – We’re against it

Obama BPMany New Jersey Shore-area fishermen and lawmakers oppose the Obama administration’s controversial new proposal to open an area off the Atlantic Coast to oil and gas drilling. The areas being mulled are located more than 50 miles off the coast of Virginia, North and South Carolina and Georgia, which they said is too close to the swift Gulf Stream current. “If there is any kind of spill it’ll carry it up here. We’re against it,” said Roy Diehl, director of the Belford Seafood Cooperative and member of the Garden State Seafood Association’s board of directors. Read the rest here 08:40

Obama administration opens up southern Atlantic coast to offshore drilling – but restricts it in Alaska

Obama BPThe Obama administration announced plans Tuesday to allow oil drilling in Atlantic waters off several Southeastern states, including Virginia, while moving to restrict access to oil companies along the Pacific and in environmentally sensitive areas off Alaska’s northern coast. “This is a balanced proposal that would make available nearly 80 percent of the undiscovered technically recoverable resources, while protecting areas that are simply too special to develop,” Interior Secretary Sally Jewell said in unveiling the plan. Read the rest here 13:24

NC officials host closed meeting on oil drilling today Enviros denied access, what about fishermen?

Obama BPJohn Filostrat, spokesman for the federal Ocean Energy Management bureau, denied his agency asked that the meeting be closed to the public. However, Filostrat said environmental groups and others would have ample opportunity to comment on the plans for off-shore drilling once a draft of the proposed regulations are completed. Read the rest here 18:37

I thought we were safe at Fisherynation-Ebola Czar Wife Wants Travel Ban…For Fisherman

Ebola bitches Ron and Monica MedinaThe wife of the ebola czar favors a travel ban for…. fisherman, Gotnews.com has learned. Monica Medina, wife of Ron Klain, is the other half of the DC power couple. Like her husband she’s long been involved in political issues and Democratic politics. She successfully worked to pressure the Obama administration to ban large parts of the ocean to commercial fishing. Obama announced a ban on commercial fishing within a 782,0000 square miles of U.S. territorial waters. Read the rest here

Fishing in murky waters: the administration’s secretive oceans policies come under fire

Senate Obama no fishingThe Obama administration is using its “phone and pen” method of governing by executive action to push its agenda and extend its powers in a huge new area: the Pacific Ocean. American fishermen are reacting with skepticism, concern and frustration at the latest murky steps to prevent fishing in vast tracts of the Pacific. Read the rest here 15:04 Read up. Click the links.

Obama opens East Coast to oil search

No FishingOpening the Eastern Seaboard to offshore oil exploration for the first time in decades, the Obama administration on Friday approved,,,”No one has been allowed to test anything like this on right whales,” Kraus said of the seismic cannons. “(The Obama administration) has authorized a giant experiment on right whales that this country would never allow researchers to do.” Read more here 11:36

Fishing in murky waters: the administration’s secretive oceans policies come under fire

No FishingThe Obama administration is using its “phone and pen” method of governing by executive action to push its agenda and extend its powers in a huge new area: the Pacific Ocean. American fishermen are reacting with skepticism, concern and frustration at the latest murky steps to prevent fishing in vast tracts of the Pacific. Read more here 18:22

Jersey Shore fishing: Seismic blasting to begin June 3 unless opposition prevails

baby fishermanJust what effect seismic testing will have along the Jersey Shore is in question, but it seems that almost everyone except the Obama Administration  is opposed to taking a chance on any negative consequences resulting from it during a study that hardly appears to be of high priority. Read more here  21:45

Bradley Beach says ‘no’ to offshore seismic oil and natural gas exploration

One Jersey Shore borough is telling the Obama Administration that it doesn’t want to gamble the region’s tourism economy for a shot at lower fuel costs. Seismic testing could also impact fisheries, Clean Ocean Action Executive Director Cindy Zipf said.  Read more here NJ.com  14:35

Obama administration takes step toward allowing Atlantic Ocean drilling

fisherman-obamaThe Obama administration forbids Atlantic Ocean drilling through 2017. An earlier version of President Obama’s five-year offshore drilling plan permitted such activity, but he excluded Atlantic drilling from the plan following the 2010 BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Read more here  16:50

Congressman Walter B. Jones, R-N.C., leads effort to halt free trade agreement impact on U.S. fisheries

The agreement is widely expected to reduce or eliminate duties on imported fish products from countries such as Vietnam, Malaysia, and Japan. Among other things, this could significantly cut funding for the Saltonstall-Kennedy (S-K) Act grant program, a U.S. research and development program that benefits American fisheries.  Since its passage nearly 70 years ago, the S-K Act has authorized allocation of 30 percent of duties on imported fish products toward competitively-awarded projects that improve U.S. fish stocks, reduce bycatch, and help fishing communities in every coastal region of America. Read more@islandfreepress  16:45

New record: regulators and bureaucrats issued 56 regs for every new law, 3,659 in 2013

fisherman-obamaThe Obama administration made up for the lack of laws passed in Congress last year, issuing a whopping 3,659 rules regulations, crushing claims that Washington isn’t doing anything. Only 65 public laws were signed by President Obama in 2013, meaning that his government issued an average of 56 new regulations for every one, a record high ratio, according to the annual analysis by the Competitive Enterprise Institute. Read more@washingtonexaminer  10:53

Fukushima’s comeback: Radiation from unending mess could threaten Alaska’s fisheries

FAIRBANKS — The Obama administration’s failure to alert Americans to the danger of Fukushima radiation is motivated by corporate politics and the interests of the nuclear power industry.,,The U.S. government organized a multi-agency stealth response in the wake of the reactor meltdowns. Friends of the Earth and others filed FOIA requests to learn how the crisis was being managed in days after March 11.,,Supervisors demanded confidentiality while maintaining a press blackout, assuring that most Americans had no chance to prepare or mitigate. more@newsminer 11:07

Jes Waitin’ for the Cabbage to Hit the Fan – Obama Administration Proposal Weakens Endangered Species Protections

“America’s endangered species are already dying deaths by a thousand cuts, because too often no one’s keeping an eye on the big picture,” said Brett Hartl, endangered species policy director with the Center for Biological Diversity. “This proposal will make that problem even worse.” “Our wildlife agencies should be working on stronger and more sophisticated mechanisms to understand and track harms that occur at these sweeping, landscape scales,” Hartl said. “Instead they’re just walking away from the challenge — and endangered species will suffer.” more@commondreams  15:39

BOEM Announces Second Potential Wind Energy Research Lease for Federal Waters Offshore Virginia – Agency Seeks Public Comment on Virginia’s Proposed Project

WASHINGTON – As part of the Obama Administration’s all-of-the-above energy strategy to continue to expand safe and responsible domestic energy development, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) announced today – continued@publicnotices/pressreleases

Pew Pablum and Dogma Turbo Charged – The Pew Joint Ocean Commission Initiative

‘Charting The Course, Securing the Future of America’s Oceans’ –  “The Administration’s principles guiding domestic energy development include creating clean energy jobs and technologies, making America more energy independent, and reducing carbon emissions. Renewable energy — particularly offshore wind energy — has great potential for pursuing expansion.” The commission states in part, “Our nation must also promote renewable energy development and return more of the revenues generated by activities on the Outer Continental Shelf to ocean science and management activities.” The Report  This article is the reality of experience in Europe . Bad experience The ‘Great Renewables Scam’ unravels

The biggest environmental decision facing Obama you’ve never heard of. Unless you are a Fisherynation follower!

bristolbayWashington Post – If you want to get a sense of how contentious the decision is over whether the  Obama administration is going to block a planned cooper and gold mine near Bristol Bay, consider this: the Environmental Protection Agency has just decided to allow the public another month to weigh in on a scientific review of the project they released a year ago. continued

Op-Ed: How You Can Prevent 130,000 Marine Mammals From Going Deaf

In the coming months, the Obama Administration will make a decision that will profoundly impact the health of the Atlantic Ocean. It will decide whether to proceed with seismic survey off the Eastern coastline to map oil and gas resources. continued

Fishing Industry Concerned About Ocean Zoning Plan

fisherman-obamaMaryland Coastal Dispatch – “This plan embodies the type of efficient, collaborative government that taxpayers, communities and businesses expect from their federal government,” said Nancy Sutley, Co-Chair of the National Ocean Council this week. “With increasing demands on our oceans, we must improve how we work together, share information and plan smartly to grow our economy, keep our ocean healthy and enjoy the highest benefits from our ocean resources now and in the future. continued

If you really want to keep our oceans healthy , Nancy, keep that junk away from it!

We Paid for the Research, So Let’s See It – make public, without charge, all scientific papers

The Obama administration is right to direct federal agencies to make public, without charge, all scientific papers reporting on research financed by the government. In a memorandum issued on Friday, John Holdren, the president’s science adviser, directed federal agencies with more than $100 million in annual research and development expenditures to develop plans for making the published results of almost all the research freely available to everyone within one year of publication. Read more

Emotions run high over EPA’s Bristol Bay watershed study

“Three years ago, commercial fishermen, Alaska Native tribes and sport fishermen asked the Obama Administration to protect the world’s greatest sockeye salmon fishery and the 14,000 jobs it sustains from the threats of mega mining. We did not ask for years of study and process.” Read more here

BP caps, plugs equipment believed to be source of recent sheen in Gulf near site of 2010 spill

NEW ORLEANS — BP PLC said Thursday it has capped and plugged an abandoned piece of equipment that is believed to be the source of a sheen spotted near the site of its massive 2010 oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Read More

My comment at the article. Thank you Nils Stolpe.

The liberal left and their Environ faction have forgotten and have chosen to overlook, the Obama Administrations complete folly and manipulation by BP in the Gulf of Mexico.
Lubchenco’s/NOAA’s role in the Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Leasing Program for 2010-2015
“In her September 21, 2009 twenty-six page response to Lisa Birnbaum, Director of the Mineral Management Service on the Draft Proposed Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Leasing Program for 2010-2015. Ms. Lubchenco precedes her comments with a rundown of the federal laws that Read More.


National Ocean Policy: A New Bureaucracy That Could Compromise Regional Fisheries Management By Stephanie Madsen

The most disappointing aspect of the Obama Administration’s relationship with the Pacific Northwest/Alaska commercial fishing industry is its rigid and inflexible approach in creating a National Ocean Policy (NOP). In July 2010, President Obama issued Executive Order 13547, formally establishing an ocean policy, creating new councils and committees throughout the federal government, and directing agencies to undertake a broad array of new oceans-related activities.
While the fishing and fish processing sectors could embrace many aspects of the NOP initiative, several aspects of the NOP are so unpalatable that we cannot support the policy going forward ,,,,,,,,Read More


The Obama Administration’s Commerce Department Is Obstructing Justice. Swartwood II

What are they afraid of?

The findings, by Special Master Charles B. Swartwood III regarding NOAA’s fishing enforcement tactics, were completed in early May. They are said to be detailed, numerous and explosive. But that report remains hidden from the public. Both John Bryson, who resigned after his now-infamous June hit-and-run escapades in southern California, and acting Secretary Rebecca Blank have ignored multiple calls to make the latest report public. And so NOAA administrator Jane Lubchenco, whose shown nothing but contempt for Congress and any other oversight since 2009, when she took the reins of an agency that is even more dysfunctional now than it ever was then.
