Tag Archives: Oregon Dungeness Crab Commission

Crab season: ‘Fishermen just needed to go fishing’ while skinny crab adds stress

The opening of the commercial crab season is traditionally December 1, but this year it was delayed to ensure quality and to work out negotiations between fishermen and processors over price.
While crabbers in Newport agreed to a $2.75 starting price, we were told Friday the offer was not accepted by the majority of west coast fishermen. >click here to read< 16:54

Skinny crabs add stress on local business owners – Scattered crabbing vessels dotted the horizon from Klipsan Beach and along the southwestern Washington coast last Monday. It was the start of the new commercial crabbing season — and possibly, sellers hope, the rebounding of the local market. Pacific Northwest crabbers have already lost over one and a half months’ worth of the crab season. >click here to read<

Price talks delay Dungeness crab season

Crab boats loaded with pots sat at the docks all weekend while fishermen and processors remained in a gridlock over prices. The commercial Dungeness crab season was set to open Monday in most of Oregon and Washington state, but price negotiations and ocean conditions are keeping boats at home.,,, At one point major processors had offered crabbers $2.30 a pound — not nearly enough to convince them to go out, local crabbers said. >click here to read< 14:12

A Dungeness Dinner – Three recipes that dare to be different!

Oregon’s most valuable seafood is centerpiece of a recent dining experience that’s so easy, anyone can prepare a Dungeness dinner. Last month, we showed you how the Dungeness crab harvest was red hot and rolling as Oregon’s most valuable seafood. Fishermen visited a school to share the good news about seafood that’s worth more than $150 million to the Oregon economy. The program is called “Boat to School” and allows youngsters to learn from Oregon fishermen where seafood comes from – it was an entertaining and informative session, but as it turned out, it was only part of the story. The Oregon Dungeness Crab Commission wants consumers to try recipes that are simple, quick and delicious. Fisherman Steve Fick loves to share that good news with three recipes that dare to be different. Watch the video, view the photo gallery, and copy these three recipes! 12:36

Oregon and Washington – Crab quality, quantity, prices all good

AR-160109962.jpg&MaxW=600It’s only a few days into this year’s commercial Dungeness crab season and fishermen already believe they are looking at a better run than last year. Dan Ayres, coastal shellfish manager with the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, won’t have initial landing numbers for another week or so but, he said, “The word we’re getting from the fleet is that it looks better than last year.” After getting the all-clear from state health departments,  commercial Dungeness crab fishermen finally hit the water Jan. 4 after being delayed for weeks due to elevated levels of the marine toxin domoic acid. Read the article here 19:04

Adding Insult to Injury of a Late Start, Coast Guard keeps watch over crab fleet

EP-160109937.jpg&MaxW=600Wildlife officers got a bird’s eye view of the commercial Dungeness crab fishery opening, courtesy of the U.S. Coast Guard. The C-130 Hercules motored north along the Washington state coastline in the wee hours of a frigid New Year’s Day.  The plane turned off all but its navigation lights to be stealthier. “It looks like the gear is all on board,” she says, marking another vessel, stacked high with crab pots, as non-suspicious before quickly moving onto the next. Read the article here 16:08

Fishermen ready for crab season

crab%20boatFishermen admit the delay is inconvenient, and came at an inopportune time, but are realistic about the delay, and know it’s just part of the industry. “It’s nothing new to us,” said Brett Webb, a Port Orford port commissioner and fisherman. “Anyone who doesn’t expect a delay should probably reconsider their expectations.” Bernie Lindley, a Brookings-Harbor fisherman, said the season may still prove to be a difficult one for fishermen on the south coast, as much of the crab is expected to be up in the Coos Bay area. Read the article here 22:23

Breaking News – Disastrous Start to Oregon Dungeness Crab Fishery – But is it Really?

Yesterday morning we were told that the Oregon Dungeness Crab season was off to a near disastrous start. The “derby” style fishery opened on December 1st with dismal returns so far. We interview Hugh Link the Executive Director of the  to get some insight into the Oregon Dungeness Crab Fishery. Watch the video here 19:21

The Oregon Dungeness commercial crab fishing season started on time this year

“It’s been delayed the last two years, but this year we’ve got a Dec. 1 opener,” Hugh Link said last week. Link, the executive director of the Oregon Dungeness Crab Commission, said the opening is set by the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife and is based, up and down the coast, on the percentage of fill rate of the crab. Full story here 17:35

Coos Bay, Ore: Commercial Dungeness crab season ends this week – Numbers Down, Value up

The commercial Dungeness crab fishing season officially closes at midnight on Thursday, but the numbers are not likely to change much at this point. Hugh Link, executive director of the Oregon Dungeness crab commission, says it is proving to be a unique season, and that is a very good thing. Read more here 22:33

“The crab are out there, but you have to work this year. This year, experience is going to pay,” – The Coos Bay World: Expect Great Crab, OK Season

A commercial crab fishing season that was delayed for two weeks is drawing mixed reviews in the opening days. The quality of crab is great, experts say, but for fishermen and processors the season may be just average. [email protected]  19:30

Landing a brand – In a decade, Oregon seafood haul has been worth a billion dollars

COOS BAY-The Oregon Dungeness Crab fishery plopped tens of millions of dollars on the Oregon coast this year. In a fishery known for its up and down nature, it has contributed enormously to the state’s economy over the past decade. Hugh Link, Executive Director of the Oregon Dungeness Crab Commission, recently returned from an economic summit where he touted some staggering numbers. more@worldlink 09:40

Oregon crabbers struggle despite large harvest

CHARLESTON — Three months in, feedback on the Oregon commercial Dungeness crab season is mixed. “Maybe it was a big-boat season,”’ Reeves said. “The big boats got ’em while little operations like my own starve to death.” Reeves said harvest numbers can be deceptive representations of actual commercial success. For one thing, fishermen just aren’t getting the prices they’re used to. continued