Tag Archives: owned by Rainforest Seafoods

Hope is fading – 15 fishermen heading to Jamaica presumed dead at sea
A multiagency search was still under way late Sunday for the F/V Fallen Star fishing boat that set sail from Honduras but disappeared in the vicinity of the Pedro Cays. Fifteen Honduran fishermen were said to be on board. The boat was reportedly laden with lobster traps. >click to read<– Fifteen Honduran fishermen who were on their way to Jamaica for the lobster fishing season are presumed dead after their boat went missing at sea. The boat, linked to Rainforest Seafoods, has been missing since Friday, law enforcement officials have revealed. >click to read< 08:37

Jamaican lobster fishing vessel with 15 onboard missing since Tuesday
A search is ongoing for a Jamaican vessel with 15 people onboard that has been missing since Tuesday afternoon. The lobster fishing vessel, Falling Star, is owned by Rainforest Seafoods, according to reports reaching Observer Online. According to reports, the lobster fishing vessel was returning from dry routine maintenance overseas, when it stopped sending tracking signals on Tuesday afternoon, July 6. >click to read< 16:27