Tag Archives: Pass Christian Harbor

Fuel leaking from sunken boat in Pass Christian Harbor
An accident in the Pass Christian Harbor left a boat underwater and a big mess to clean up. James “Catfish” Miller has been taking his boat out for shrimp and oysters since the early 90s. Overnight, the boat he relied on started taking on water and eventually landed partially submerged in the Pass Christian Harbor. This is something Miller said he never expected to see. “It’s like losing a family member when you see something like this happen. This is tragic, and I don’t wish this upon anybody,” said Miller. “This is my livelihood. It’s tough. No rest. I don’t know. I’ve been through a lot in life but this stuff.” video, click here to read the story 11:28
The quest to save South Mississippi’s oysters – Fishermen begin oyster relay under DMR program
The quest to save South Mississippi’s oysters continued Monday. Coast fishermen were out on the Mississippi Sound all morning working to relocate oysters. The fishermen were working with the Department of Marine Resources to not only save the oyster crop, but to also save their livelihood. For the first time in months, the was alive with activity as fishermen readied their boats for a day’s work. Over the past five years, many of these fishermen have had a very limited amount of time on the water, if any. “Everybody’s excited to do it,” said fisherman Shelby Cooper. Read the article here 10:12
Mississippi Seafood Dealers: Oyster season isn’t’ sailing smoothly
PASS CHRISTIAN, Miss. Seafood dealers say you can’t beat the view at the new Pass Christian Harbor, but business is off to a rocky start. Seafood dealer Darlene Kimball says the process for an oysterman to transfer his catch from water to land can take up to five times as long as is it did at the old harbor, because oyster-checking protocol still has to be performed at the old harbor location. Read the rest here 11:54
“I’ve been commercial fishing since I was a kid,” – Pass Christian man says tonging, fishing, shrimping a family tradition
Work doesn’t really feel like work for Adam Toler, for he spends six days a week surrounded by the Mississippi Sound. He and his small crew leave the Pass Christian Harbor around sunrise each morning and return in the early afternoon with sacks of oysters to sell to seafood dealers as soon as they hit the harbor launch again. The South Mississippi seafood industry is a tradition for Toler’s family. Read the rest here 13:41