Tag Archives: Radio went dead
‘Radio went dead as he was giving the mayday’: witness recalls hearing moments fishing boat sank
A tugboat crew member who was on a vessel near where the F/V Wind Walker capsized described the mayday call that came over the radio around 12:09 a.m. Sunday. “The radio went dead as he was giving the mayday,” Paradigm Marine first mate Glenn Jahnke said, describing the voice over the radio attempting to answer the Coast Guard’s questions, such as a description of the boat and the number of crew on board, suddenly go silent. “His mayday consisted of ‘mayday, mayday,’ then a pause and then another three maydays, Coast Guard responded. As I recall, ‘We’re on our side, taking in water and I have two people in the water,’” Jahnke added. Jahnke said after reporting the survival suit to the Coast Guard, he observed crews locating something else in the water. “They did find something that appeared to be an un-inflated raft kind of caught up in a jumble of flotsam,” Jahnke said. Video, links, more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 08:42