Tag Archives: reckless conduct

Maine lobsterman sentenced for trying to ram skiff with 2 men aboard
September 14, 2018
New England
A Vinalhaven man will serve 45 days in jail for attempting to ram his lobster boat into another boat that was carrying two men. Carl B. Gross, 32, received his sentence this week following a deferred sentencing agreement. As part of the agreement, Gross pleaded guilty to charges of reckless conduct and operating watercraft to endanger, according to court documents. >click to read<21:20
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Judge rules BP’s reckless conduct caused Gulf oil spill
September 4, 2014
Gulf of Mexico, National
A federal judge on Thursday ruled that BP’s reckless conduct resulted in the worst oil spill in U.S. history, according to The Associated Press. “U.S. District Judge Carl Barbier’s ruling Thursday could nearly quadruple the amount of civil penalties for polluting the Gulf of Mexico with oil from BP’s Macondo well in 2010,” Read the rest here 11:56