Tag Archives: recovery
Canadian government to build conservation hatchery in Prince George to boost Chinook and sockeye salmon recovery
The Canadian federal government has announced plans to build a new Pacific salmon hatchery in Prince George, British Columbia (B.C.). This initiative, supported by the Pacific Salmon Strategy Initiative (PSSI), aims to bolster the conservation and recovery of wild Chinook and sockeye salmon populations. Operated by Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) in partnership with the Lheidli T’enneh First Nation and Canfor Pulp Ltd., the hatchery will be constructed this fall on federal land along the Nechako River, near its junction with the Fraser River. “As a Nation, fisheries are central to the work we do,” said Chief Dolleen Logan, on behalf of Lheidli T’enneh First Nation. “We remain committed to maintaining biodiversity in our traditional territory while enhancing salmon populations throughout the region.” more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 13:02

Fisheries Survival Fund: HabCam Failure Threatens 2019 Atlantic Sea Scallop Survey
The loss, recovery, and now electrical failure of the NOAA Northeast Fisheries Science Center “HabCam” habitat mapping camera means that the all-important 2019 Northeast sea scallop survey now continues as a dredge-only survey. The federal survey will thus conclude on June 15 without crucial sampling instruments, including cameras that photograph the ocean bottom. The HabCam, towed just above the ocean floor, provides a non-invasive, extensive, optically-based survey of the Atlantic scallop resource and ocean floor. NOAA Fisheries is working to make the HabCam a centerpiece research and survey tool. >click to read<09:51

Popular Notre Dame beach turned into salvage spot for damaged vessel
A tour boat operator in Little Burnt Bay is astounded that a company has been allowed to built a temporary road on a popular public beach, at the height of tourist season, to tow in a damaged boat. The fishing vessel Straits Foam was damaged in this year’s harsh ice conditions in Notre Dame Bay, and had been adrift outside the Bay of Exploits for seven weeks, says Graham Wood, who runs Mussel Bed Tours. The work to bring that boat in to shore and salvage it includes building a temporary road from the beach out to the boat to tow it in to shore. “The first word that came to mind was ‘horrified.'” click here to read the story 10:28
Marysville native Dan Borovina, on ‘Deadliest Catch’ finds clarity, recovery on the water
In the summer of 2001, Dan joined the crew of his Uncle Michael Borovina’s boat, the purse seiner Sea Pride. “I wanted to fill that void created by not having my dad around. I wanted to learn more about my dad by going fishing,” he said. “We headed out. When we got to Snow Pass off of Southeast Alaska, my uncle told me that my dad would want me to know that I was about to see a fish jump, a bald eagle and a whale. When I did, I knew I was where I was supposed to be.”,,, Borovina fell into drug abuse. Read the rest here 14:04