Tag Archives: Safe Coast Seafoods

Too Few Tuna! Commercial season off to standard slow start
Safe Coast Seafoods and Ilwaco Landing each recorded their first offload of the 2021 commercial tuna season Monday, July 12 in Ilwaco. Landings have been slow to start the season, fishermen and processors reported, which is par for the course. August has historically been the month with the heaviest commercial tuna landings for Oregon and Washington, with the season wrapping up around October, depending on weather. “It’s a pretty typical start with fish scattered and in low numbers, but we are encouraged that the water temperature and sea life look more typical and are in good shape to hold large numbers (of tuna) as they come in,” >7 photos, click to read< 18:49

Safe Coast Seafoods preps for crab
The Chinook Observer spoke with Safe Coast Seafoods general manager Shannon Schafer, Pucci Foods CEO Chris Lam and Safe Coast Seafoods vice president of sales Max Boland about their plans as the new owners of Jessie’s Ilwaco Fish Co. When do you anticipate the official re-opening? Schafer: “We plan on being open this crab season.” Are there any plans to change the name (from Jessie’s Ilwaco fish Co.)? Schafer: “Safe Coast Seafoods has purchased the Jessie’s Ilwaco Fish Co. assets. We will be operating under the Safe Coast Seafoods brand.” What are the next steps before the business can resume operations? >click to read< 09:00