Tag Archives: Smoked herring
‘No smoke in the smokehouse’ on the Magdalen Islands after herring ban
The smell of smoked herring is a familiar scent along the shores of the island of Havre aux Maisons, part of the Magdalen Islands, where the Fumoir d’antan has been smoking the fish since 1942, but the tradition won’t be able to continue this summer. It’s the first time the company’s flagship smokehouse will be out of operation since the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) announced last month it would be suspending springtime herring and mackerel fisheries along the coastal waters of Quebec and Atlantic provinces until at least 2023. >click to read< 20:19
Smoked herring connects Cap-Pelé to Haiti – A million cases each year to the impoverished country
For the past century, one of New Brunswick’s most enduring trade partnerships has been with one of the world’s poorest countries. The fishing village of Cap-Pelé has sold millions of crates of smoked herring to the impoverished Caribbean nation of Haiti. A Radio-Canada crew recently followed the trail, from the smokehouses in Cap-Pelé to the kitchens of Port-au-Prince. The sights, and especially the smells, of smoked herring are part of life in southeastern New Brunswick. Read the rest here 11:18