Tag Archives: top prizes
Maine: Not about to be trapped, captains push vessels to limit for bragging rights, top prizes
Hauling: Lobster boats make waves in watery race party – On Saturday, June 27 in Rockland Harbor just inside the breakwater, there was no time for these usual working vessels to stop and pick up a pot because the race finish was in sight and there were bragging rights on the line. In this case, the lobsters had to wait. In beautiful, early-summer weather, in front of hundreds of spectators on the breakwater and dozens of moored boats that had traveled far and wide from Maine’s watery nooks and crannies, and, on this day, combined to create a small floating city in the harbor, the annual Rockland Lobster Boat Races turned out to be a roaring, with emphasis on roaring success. >click to watch video, see more than 120 photos<13:31