Tag Archives: Transportation

Nearly 2 months after fatal crash, Unalaskans are struggling to get in the air
For some in this flight-dependent community of 4,000 known for foul weather and Americas’s top seafood hauls, the anxiety is mounting instead of easing with time. The busy travel season is compounded in Unalaska by the start of major fishing seasons that crowd planes with thousands of fishermen and processing plant workers headed to the community’s busy port of Dutch Harbor. >click to link< 11:11
Fishing industry, aviation linked in Alaska from earliest days
After proving itself in the mid-1920s conducting surveys of Southeast Alaska, the airplane found itself unexpectedly increasingly useful to the burgeoning fishing industry in the state. This came as a surprise to many, as it was a largely untested mode of transportation and the region’s weather was so problematic. But as soon as the first flight was made across the Gulf of Alaska in 1925, the numbers were impossible for even the most nervous passengers to ignore. Read the rest here 15:27