Tag Archives: Twitter

HMPAs: Ross Greer put in his place by furious fishermen over ‘contemptuous’ marine ban tweet
Ross Greer made a “contemptuous comment” about the impact of fishing bans on coastal areas amid the ongoing backlash against the proposed Highly Protected Marine Areas (HPMAs). “The fisherman in the North Sea of the 1830s could catch one ton of halibut a day. Now the annual halibut take of the North Sea is two tons.” Fifth generation fisherman Kenneth MacNab said: “You know absolutely nothing about fishing or stocks but your welcome to come out anytime you wish just to let you see what actual work is and what fishermen have to do to support their communities to put it into perspective HPMAs will be 10 times worse than Brexit ever was.” >click to read< 07:49

DFO says sorry after lobster lecture goes awry – “Simply leave them there”
While a storm of historic proportions was making landfall in Atlantic Canada, Fisheries and Oceans Canada decided it would be a good time to remind Canadians they’re not allowed to eat any lobsters they find on the shore. “Simply leave them there,” the government agency posted on Twitter. After a few hours of getting ridiculed on Twitter, Fisheries and Oceans deleted the Tweet and followed up with an apology. >click to read< 09:35

Misinformation Campaign: Twitter accounts tied to China lied that COVID came from Maine lobsters
Oxford researcher Marcel Schliebs first noticed the misinformation campaign when he saw a tweet from Zha Liyou, the Chinese consul general in Kolkata, India. The tweet by Liyou said: “Major suspect of covid via cold chain identified: A MU298 of Nov. 11, 2019 carrying food from Maine, US to Huanan Seafood Market, Wuhan, Hubei via Shanghai. During the next few weeks, many workers around moving this batch of seafood got infected.” >click to read< 07:50

Captain Titus: Canadian fisherman’s Twitter tweets a rare glimpse of a hard life in the North Atlantic
From the outset, the captain’s social media strategy has been to post photos and see what happens. What has happened, in the eight years since his first tweet, is a master Canadian mariner has offered a rare, real-time glimpse into what life is like, say, in the dead of winter on a boat in mountainous seas several hundred kilometres off the coast of Labrador. Or what it is like to be bumping through the ice between Baffin Island and Greenland aboard the Mersey Phoenix, a 70-metre vessel with 30 crew and a quarry, Pandalus borealis/ photos, >click to read< visit https://twitter.com/shrimpfisherman 08:05

Russian deep-sea fisherman’s Twitter feed is filled with nightmares
Roman Fedorstov’s account began featuring images of blood-chilling bottom feeders, creepy crustaceans and other sorts of ghoulish sea creatures that he and his crew hauled in their nets while trawling the deep waters off Russia’s Barents Sea. Fedortsov works on a fishing trawler in Murmansk, Russia, and regularly comes in contact with deep-sea dwellers that look like the kind of weird creatures filmmaker Tim Burton would design. The English-language site Moscow Times posted a handful of the photos, but I’ve found even more on Fedortsov’s Twitter. “Such zones are normally undisturbed by commercial fishing, which is precisely why these unusual creatures have survived thus far”. “Some of the shallower living, lighter-colored fishes might be a couple of feet”, Professor James Childress, who researches the biology of deep-sea animals at University of California Santa Barbara. Read the rest here, and visit Romans twitter feed click here 11:24
Twitter users upset with the Cuomo brothers, saying the two fished a threatened species and should be ashamed of their actions.
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo faced quite a bit of Twitter backlash after posing with the more than 150-pound thresher shark he caught off the coast of Long Island. His brother, CNN anchor Chris Cuomo, posted a photo of the fishing group on Instagram. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration determined threshers arenot at risk of extinction. But that didn’t seem to curb public opinion. In response to the controversy, a representative for Governor Cuomo told the New York Post, “This is an edible game fish that is indigenous to New York waters, and catching them is allowable under both state and federal regulations.” In 2013, Governor Cuomo was heralded for his decision to ban the possession and sale of shark fins — a popular delicacy in New York’s Chinatown. Read the rest here 08:43
Wicked Tuna’s Captain Dave Marciano Fan Lookin’ for TailsUp Support – Facing Heart Surgery – Give her a Tweet!
Deborah O’Connor
@dimondsnpearls7 10 Nov
@CaptMarciano Good morning Capt Dave !! Im havin heart surgery Tues the 12th. I was hopin u & crew could send plenty of #TailsUp 4 support. https://twitter.com/dimondsnpearls7/status/399550905991049216?refsrc=email 12:20
Twitter to highlight life at sea – veteran British fisherman David Warwick will highlight an entire day aboard his trawler on Wednesday.
The initiative, organised by the NFFO in a bid to challenge some of the negative perceptions which dog the UK fishing industry is taking place during National Fishing Month to raise awareness of the often dangerous daily tasks fishermen perform to put food on the nation’s plate. more@fishnewseu Follow https://twitter.com/NFFO_UK