Tag Archives: U.S. Marshals

10 years in prison for fishy scheme involving theft of $830K worth of lobster, shrimp and ribeye
Paul Diogenes used stolen bank info from Rhode Island restaurants to buy pricey delicacies which he then sold back to the eateries he had defrauded. This fishy scheme has landed a seafood scammer a 10-year term upriver. A one-time aspiring chef-turned fraudster has been sentenced to a decade behind bars for using stolen bank information from Rhode Island restaurants to buy $830,000 worth of lobster, shrimp and steaks which he then resold, sometimes to the businesses he had just ripped off, federal prosecutors said. >click to read< 13:37
Judge denies feds’ motion for Carlos Rafael to forfeit more vessels, permits
Judge William Young didn’t waste any time denying the United States’ motion for reconsideration in the case of Carlos Rafael. The government filed the reconsideration on Wednesday, the same day Young filed his judgement. The government sought Young to reconsider the forfeitability of Rafael’s vessels and permits. Young ordered four vessels and the accompanying permits to be forfeited on Oct. 11. U.S. Marshals seized the vessels the Lady Patricia, Olivia & Rafaela and the Southern Crusader II on Oct. 18. The reconsideration stated, “the court may correct a sentence that resulted from arithmetical, technical or other clerical error” within 14 days. click here to read the story 19:13

Vessels Seized – Feds stake claim on 4 of Carlos Rafael’s boats
The government staked its claim to four of Carlos Rafael’s vessels on Wednesday. U.S. Marshals and agents from the Coast Guard Investigative Service boarded the Lady Patricia by Leonard’s Wharf, Olivia & Rafaela and the Southern Crusader II beyond Homer’s Wharf around noon. The fourth vessel, the Bull Dog, was seized at another port. The U.S. Department of Justice said Wednesday the seized vessels will brought to an “undisclosed location.” For more than an hour after arriving, agents allowed anyone with personal property on the vessels to remove it. click here to read the story 08:25
Boat left at Gloucester Marine Railways arrested for debts
At the beginning of last winter, the owners of the fishing vessel Irish Piper brought their 41-foot wooden boat from Maine to the Gloucester Marine Railways for repair and wharfage, then vanished, never returning to claim their boat or pay for the services rendered by the boat yard. The railways also did something you might not expect: it named the boat as a co-defendant in the suit and requested that U.S. Marshals Service arrest the 46-year-old vessel built in Camden, Maine, in 1969. Read the rest here 09:07
U.S. Marshals seize FV Westward, moored in Boothbay Harbor for the last two years
U.S. District Court Magistrate Judge John H. Rich issued an order for the Westward’s arrest on June 8, in response to Fuller Marine Services’ civil complaint to foreclose upon a salvage lien. After seizing the vessel, the Marshals Service transferred it into the temporary custodial care of Fuller Marine Services. The Westward arrived in Boothbay Harbor to be refurbished by the Boothbay Harbor Shipyard and returned to commercial fishing, according to its owner. Repairs were begun, but the owner James Sheehy, of Gloucester, Massachusetts, was unable,,, Read the rest here 14:59