Tag Archives: U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry

US, Chile to announce new marine sanctuaries at “Our Ocean” conference

No FishingPresident Barack Obama will declare new marine sanctuaries in the tidal waters of Maryland and Wisconsin’s Lake Michigan Monday, while Chile is expected to block off a more than 200,000 square miles of sea from commercial fishing and oil and gas exploration in an area of the Pacific Ocean near the world-famous Easter Island. The announcements were to be made when top officials, including U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, attend an international conference on marine protection in the Chilean port city of Valparaiso on Monday. The “Our Ocean” conference,,, Read the rest here 08:36

U.S. to focus on climate change, oceans as new chair of Arctic Council

The United States is starting its term as chair of the Arctic Council by adamantly steering clear of geopolitical and military issues, in favour of focusing on social and environmental stewardship of the North.,, The U.S. plans to put climate change at the centre of its leadership. Kerry said that there is a plan in place to try to curb black carbon and methane emissions which, he said, have more devastating environmental effects than C02. Read the rest here 10:38

Canada’s turn as Arctic Council head to end at Iqaluit meeting; Kerry takes over

In an interview before handing over leadership of the council to Kerry, Environment Minister Leona Aglukkaq defended Canada’s accomplishments during its two-year termThe American priorities for the Arctic Council are significantly different. The U.S. has said it plans to put climate change at the centre of its two-year term and has outlined a program of measures to protect the Arctic environment, such as developing better ways to deal with marine pollution. The Americans will also start considering the development of a network of marine protected areas. Read the rest here 12:14

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and Indonesian Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Sharif C. Sutardjo Talk Fishery Sector

Mr. Kerry stressed that the world is now facing a significant drop in production from commercial fisheries. The issue is also impacting the U.S., particularly in New England and the North Eastern states. “We (the United States) are also facing what Indonesia is facing, which is the significant shrinkage of commercial fisheries. Sustainable fisheries must absolutely be implemented,” said Kerry. more@boston.com 14:03