Tag Archives: victim Justin MacKay
Transportation Safety Board of Canada determines fishing vessel was on autopilot prior to fatal lobster boat collision
August 1, 2018
An investigation into the two-boat collision which resulted in two deaths in June, has revealed that one of the vessels was on autopilot at the time of the crash. The investigation into the collision off Beach Point, P.E.I., was conducted by the Transportation Safety Board of Canada. According to the investigation summary, on June 9 the fishing vessel Forever Chasin’ Tail, with three people on board, departed Beach Point to haul lobster traps about 14 nautical miles (nm) out. Later that morning, a second fishing vessel, Joel ’98, with five people on board, also left Beach Point to haul traps about six nautical miles out. >click to read< Marine Transportation Safety Investigation M18A0185 – >click to read<18:56