Tag Archives: wild caught native shrimp
Everything is Bigger and Better in Texas, Including Seafood-Consumer Fraud
A recent investigation into seafood labeling practices at restaurants in Galveston and Kemah revealed significant seafood fraud, with troubling implications for consumers, local shrimpers, and the regional economy. Genetic testing conducted by SeaD Consulting has exposed widespread seafood mislabeling in the Galveston and Kemah dining scene, where more than half of the tested restaurants (59%) were found to serve imported shrimp despite claims, implications, or menu descriptions suggesting they were offering Texas wild-caught Gulf shrimp. “The local Gulf shrimp we pull in is now sold for less than $1.00 per pound, when it used to be $3.00 a pound, because of these deceptive practices. A 60% fraud rate is not shocking to me, but I’ll bet diners have no idea how much they are being duped”, said Galveston Commercial Shrimper and Texas Shrimp Diva Nikki Johnson-Kunz. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 14:30
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