Tag Archives: Wildlife Resources Commission
The Wildlife Resources Commission, or WRC, has requested rules to change the parameters of what comes under their jurisdiction vs Marine Fisheries. We need you to send an email as outlined below to the two addresses at the Rules Review Commission. It needs to be done today or by noon tomorrow, please! There is no need to go into detail, just a letter of objection as outlined below. However, if you want the rationale just call me or Glenn or send us a note. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 14:31

Calls for reform, and a coming resignation, as fight rages over coastal fisheries
A wildlife conservation group called this week for an overhaul in the way North Carolina manages its coastal fisheries, and a member of the policy-setting commission in charge is contemplating resignation. The N.C. Wildlife Federation voted Saturday to recommend a massive management consolidation over one of the state’s most contentious issues. Under their plan the Marine Fisheries Commission, a board appointed by the governor, and the Division of Marine Fisheries, which enforces rules day-to-day along the North Carolina Coast, would be folded into the state’s Wildlife Resources Commission. Video >click to read< 07:24
Commercial fishermen seek to halt recreational angling?
You think the differences between commercial fishing groups and recreational anglers has been heated in the past? Well … consider this just in from the “you aren’t going to believe this” file. In the comment section: I’d care to bet the use of long line commercial and net techniques vastly outweigh the stray rec hook & line incident. These clowns are simply trying to divert attention away from an obvious fact: commercial netting is the #1 way to overfish any fish population. I can’t believe it! Read more here 08:49