Tag Archives: Yukon River king salmon

Yukon River salmon swim to Canada in higher numbers

Despite a below-average overall run, the most Yukon River king salmon in a decade have made it across the border on the way to their Canadian spawning grounds. About 83,000 fish went across the border this year. An international treaty mandates that at least 42,500 chinooks must get to Canada, but Alaska fishery managers have managed that goal in only two of the past four years. Between 118,000 and 140,000 chinooks were projected to enter the Yukon this year. Alaska Department of Fish and Game officials said it took severe chinook salmon restrictions,,, Read the rest here 08:51

Yukon River king salmon run called “dismal”

As of Tuesday, only about 20,000 kings had been counted past a sonar located 16 miles from the Canadian border near Eagle. The Pacific Salmon Treaty between Alaska and Canada calls for a minimum of 42,500 kings at the sonar. continued@newsminer