Coast Guard seeks public comment regarding bar entrances in central, northern California
ALAMEDA, Calif. — The Coast Guard initiated a public comment period Thursday pertaining to proposed safety requirements at several bar entrances in central and northern California.
Regulated Navigation Areas are being proposed for the harbor bar entrances to Crescent City Harbor, Humboldt Bay, Noyo River and Morro Bay.
The proposed regulation would create additional safety requirements for recreational and small commercial vessels operating in these areas during periods of hazardous conditions, such as high wind or breaking surf, as well as establish clear procedures for restricting and closing these harbor bar entrances in the event of unsafe conditions.
The complete Notice of Proposed Rulemaking published in the Federal Register, including a brief summary, background, purpose, legal basis and discussion of public comments can be viewed and printed here.
Public comments concerning the proposed Regulated Navigation Areas may be submitted using the Federal eRulemaking Portal here. Docket number is USCG-2019-0785. Comments should be made prior to Dec. 9.
Further information regarding the proposed Regulated Navigation Areas is available from Lt. Andres Ayure, the 11th Coast Guard District Waterways Management Aids to Navigation operations officer; by email at, by phone at (510) 437-2982, or by mail at Commander, 11th Coast Guard District, Waterways Management Branch (dpw), Bldg. 50-2, Coast Guard Island, Alameda, CA 94501-5100, Attn: ATON Operations Officer.
U.S. Coast Guard 11th District Pacific Southwest
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Office: (510) 437-3325
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