Daily Archives: July 13, 2013

7/13/13 ADF&G News Release: Dutch Harbor Food and Bait Herring Fishery Announcement #1 – Westward Region-Alaska Peninsula-Aleutian Islands-Areawide

posted 19:25:10 – Species – Herring – Gear Type – Seine – Gillnet –    Dutch Harbor Food and Bait Herring Fishery Announcement #1 – Westward Region-Alaska Peninsula-Aleutian Islands-Areawide

To open the Commercial Herring Fishery for 24 hours from noon Monday, July 15 until Tuesday, July 16, 2013 READ THE NOTICE

Early Chum Bycatch Hampers Pollock Season

Almost 20,000 chum have been taken incidentally since the season started on June 10. In the same period last year, the fleet caught about a tenth of that amount. 


Oppose Offshore Wind/Industrialization: California, catch the next big energy wave!

130301_ALT_windfarm_jpg_CROP_article568-largeThe first U.S. offshore wind turbine hooked into the U.S. power grid in June, but not in the “green” state of California. It happened on the opposite side of the continent, off the coast of Maine, using a floating wind-generator prototype well suited for the deep ocean water typically found off the coast of California. David Helvarg is the executive director of Blue Frontier, an ocean conservation group. continued@latimes

Huffman introduces bill to refinance decade-old fishing industry loan – “Revitalizing the Economy of Fisheries in the Pacific Act”

Legislation aimed at alleviating the financial hardship of a federal loan that has been weighing on Pacific Coast groundfish fisherman for nearly a decade has moved one step closer to passing, North Coast Congressman Jared Huffman’s office announced on Thursday. continued@fortbraggadvocatenews

Something fishy is afoot at old wastewater plant – interesting

A proposal from researchers in the University of Arizona’s College of Agriculture and Life Sciences suggests transforming the decommissioned wastewater treatment plant into a state-of-the-art research station that would become a fish hatchery, farming tilapia, striped bass and eels. continued@arizonadailystar

Whale response training

The Cape Cod Commercial Fishermen’s Alliance (Hookers) is  bringing together dozens of fishermen for a training today to become Level 2  first responders to whale entanglements. National Oceanic and Atmospheric  Administration (NOAA) staff will certify the fishermen as part of its Disentanglement Network. NOAA is expected to release a proposed rule for new  whale entanglement avoidance measures on Monday. continued@wickedlocal


World’s largest marine reserve weighed for Antarctica

An effort to create the world’s largest marine reserve off Antarctica as a haven for seals, whales, penguins and diminishing fish populations comes up for a vote this week at an international meeting. [email protected]

The Long Haul, Part 5 – Combatting the Sea of Debris

Marine debris is a big issue for fishermen – for environmental, monetary and practical reasons. Things like lost lobster pots, spools of microfilament and lengths of rope are almost all plastics – bad for the ecosystem and its fish.


No more shrimp from Pamlico Sound?- North Carolina Marine Fisheries Commission to Consider Trawl Ban – Petition

A possible  reclassification of most internal waters of North Carolina will be the subject of a special meeting of the N.C. Division of Marine Fisheries later this month. This reclassification into “Permanent Secondary Nursery Areas” would be one of the biggest regulatory blows to the state’s commercial fishing industry – a complete ban on trawling in North Carolina waters. continued@okracokecurrent

Petition by Megan Spencer Ocracoke,  North Carolina Marine Fisheries Commission: Save local seafood! No permanent secondary nursery areas in NC!

Behind the Scenes on the Wicked Tuna shoot

Stepping Away – Furlong | Blunt truths I learned at The Broadcast – Loved every second of it

photo_1376872_resizeIt was April 11th, 2005. The theme rolled, the red light went on,,,, I’ve learned so many things about our province and the fishery through The Broadcast. And I’ve loved every second of it. I loved the passion of fishermen like Leo Seymour in Harbour Round and Conway Caines in Port Saunders, the pluck of people like Mildred Skinner in Harbour Breton and David Cassell in Roddickton, and the rich accents of people like John Hewitt in Trepassey and Emma Hay in Nain. The wisdom of Jack Troake in Twillingate always made me smile, and the observers like Gus Etchegary always kept it interesting. continued@cbcnews


New fishing regulations seek to limit whale, dolphin deaths

A new federal rule proposal that seeks to support the state’s fisheries  while also protecting whales, dolphins and other marine mammals from  getting hurt or killed in trawl lines and other fishing gear will be the  subject of public hearings in Maine next month. continued@kennebecjournal

Cape Wind opponents sue Coast Guard saying the agency failed to respond to a request for public records as required by law.

Mark Rodgers, spokesman for Cape Wind, called the alliance’s most recent lawsuit a “desperate publicity stunt.” continued@southcoasttodaysct logo

McDonald’s McLobster seen as boost for Maritime fishery – Industry veteran believes lobster sandwich is key to brighter future, with a few culinary upgrades

CBC_News_logoA 33-year veteran of the lobster business in the Maritimes thinks he may have stumbled upon a way to help the struggling industry during a recent trip to a McDonald’s drive-thru. continued@cbcnews