Tag Archives: ‘Know Your Fisherman’

Know Your Fisherman: Henriksen Fisheries

The bountiful waters of Lake Michigan surround Door County, making it home to a vibrant fishing community that dates back to the mid-1800s. That community today includes several larger commercial fishing operations, including Henriksen Fisheries. The fishermen, Charlie and Will Henriksen, along with two year-round and several part-time employees. Henriksen, who’s from the Chicago area, got his first taste of Door County fishing some 40 years ago when he was recruited to help ice fish one winter. He arrived in the county at age 20 to assist his father, who had bought an old hotel in Ellison Bay, and, as the story goes, he never left. >click to read< 11:34

Dock To Dish Montauk: Local ‘Know Your Fisherman’ Movement Goes International

dock to dish montaukSean Barret, a co-founder of Montauk Restaurant Supported Fishery (RSF), grew up on the East End of Long Island. “I have been involved with fishing and restaurants my entire life. Since we were young kids we would make dinner at night with what we caught that day, that’s how we grew up,” he noted. “Then a few years ago I was in Spain’s Basque Country and noticed the fishermen coming in and bringing their catch directly from the harbor straight into the local restaurants. A light bulb turned on.” Read the rest here 19:11