Get your motor running: Lobster boat racing season is here!

The season opener of Maine lobster boat racing season 2023 shifts into high gear Saturday, June 17 in Boothbay Harbor with the Charlie Begin Memorial Lobster Boat Races. Boat captains can sign up at Brown’s Wharf on Atlantic Avenue between 9 and 10 a.m. There is an entry fee of $20, but that fee will be waived for boat captains 18 or under to encourage younger participation in the event. The races start at 10 a.m. All entry fees collected will go to Maine Lobstermen’s Association. Ashleeann Lowery has been organizing the Boothbay Harbor races for well over a decade and has been a member of the racing committee since 2007. “I heard, although you never know until these guys show up,” said Lowery, “but I heard David Taylor’s Misty was re-powered this year, and that just might give Blue Eyed Girl a little run for her money.” >click to read< 11:31
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