How I met a slime star: A rare and slimy encounter in the Gulf of Maine
Back in 1993, a friend called and asked me about an article he had read in the June issue of the National Geographic about a weird animal called a slime star. He wanted to know if I had ever seen one and if they are found in New England. I told him I had never seen one and that I believed they are found in the Pacific, not the Atlantic. Less than a month later, I was proved wrong! My husband had been fishing on his stern trawler in about 420 feet of water near the “Curl” on Jeffreys Ledge in the Gulf of Maine. He called me and told me he had something odd in his lobster tank. I asked him to describe it to me. He said that it was giving off gallons and gallons of mucus. Photos, >click to read< 12:08
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