Limits on ratio of fisherman decried

Gloucester Capt. Salvatore “Sam” Novello who has fished the waters off Gloucester for most of his life, is saying while he can fish, some foreign-born fishermen cannot. A member of the Gloucester Fisheries Commission, Novello said this week the U.S. Coast Guard has recently begun to strictly enforce a rule that limits the number of immigrants who are allowed to fish. The measure, the 75-25 rule, requires that 75% of those crews fishing must be American while only 25% can be foreign. In other words, for every four fishermen, three must be native born and only one can hail from another country. Novello blasted the rule as burdensome, saying it only contributes to a slew of other regulations and fishing limits already imposed by NOAA Fisheries that hamper the fishing industry. “Today, all fishing operations can’t find enough help to go fishing,” he said. “ >>click to read<< 07:21

One Response to Limits on ratio of fisherman decried

  1. Jim Kendall says:

    This is something Rodney Avila, I & others had argued for years! It’s like a recurring disease or sickness that resurfaces every so often, & I am still not sure what triggers the relapse.
    It might have to do with the numbers of illegal immigrants that are now in the country, but what the hell, aren’t they being told to go find work while awaiting disposition? This might be just one way that this migration can unfairly influence legal immigrants

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