North Atlantic right whale seen off Ireland for first time in 114 years
Holidaymaker Adrian Maguire, from Co Tyrone, glimpsed the large, dark body of the whale on the surface of the water while out fishing for mackerel. “I just looked in amazement at the size of it,” said Mr Maguire. “I’ve never experienced that in my life.” watch video here He described how he let his boat drift while he, his wife and two friends watched the whale for about an hour in McSwynes Bay, Co Donegal, off the north-west coast of Ireland. “The sound of the blowing — it’s great to hear that in real life,” said Mr Maguire. It is the first sighting of a North Atlantic right whale off Ireland in 114 years, said Conor Ryan, honorary research fellow at the Scottish Association for Marine Science. Short Video, more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 12:26
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