BOEM issues first floating offshore wind lease in the US

The lease area where the floating turbines will be deployed covers an area of approximately 15,000 acres located 28 nautical miles offshore Maine on the US Outer Continental Shelf. The area could allow for the deployment of up to 12 floating offshore wind turbines capable of generating up to 144 MW of renewable energy.  The research array will allow the state, the fishing community, wildlife experts, the offshore wind industry, and others to conduct in depth studies and thoroughly evaluate floating offshore wind as a renewable energy source. As proposed, the research array will use floating foundation technology designed by the University of Maine and deployed by its development partner, Diamond Offshore Wind. UMaine’s floating platform, known as VolturnUS, was recently awarded a US$12.5M grant from the US Department of Energy. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 07:28

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