VA Advised to Take Controversial Winter Dredge Crab Season off the Table Until 2026

Earlier this summer, Virginia fishery managers voted to repeal a 16-year ban on winter dredging for blue crabs, opening the door to possibly allow watermen to dredge the Bay bottom, scooping semi-dormant crabs from their winter slumber. But a state advisory committee now recommends Virginia take a step back from that possibility. The committee’s new advice could put the brakes on those earlier moves to reopen the dredge fishery that’s been closed since 2008.Virginia Watermen’s Association President J. C. Hudgins spoke in favor of the dredge fishery. Hudgins says that if there were 20 or so boats working in the fishery with three men to a boat it would provide winter jobs for 50 to 60 men. “There is still a winter market for crab meat in local picking houses,” he says.” At the last meeting, we also talked about wanting a year-round crab fishery in Virginia with potting, dredging and other gear types.” more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 07:59

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