The five-chapter series on F/V Lady Mary sinking

9057891-standard lady maryThe Star-Ledger spent months investigating the sinking of a Cape May-based scallop boat that left six dead and spared just one crew member. This five-chapter series was printed in a 20-page special Sunday Star-Ledger section and will be presented over four days on Read more about how this story was researched.   EC Newellman provided this pdf version. Thank you, EC

2 Responses to The five-chapter series on F/V Lady Mary sinking

  1. Ah, you dug up a story from a few years back. She’s now a winter sea bass hang, and one still wonders why and how she went down. This link is much easier to follow the story of the SINKING OF THE LADY MARY:

    • - Moderator says:

      It’s quite a story, and thought I’d post it for people that never saw it.
      Thank you for sending the links!

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