Tensions flare as Channel seiners clash

The crew of UK-flagged, Urk-owned seine netter F/V Henk Senior are accused of hostile actions towards Boulogne seiner F/V Rose de Cascia in an incident that Xavier Bertrand describes as being ‘of exceptional gravity’ and as crossing a ‘critical threshold.’ Reports are that the 30-metre Henk Senior’s crew grappled the 19-metre Rose de Cascia’s seine rope, hauling the French vessel backwards before the seine rope parted. Rose de Cascia was able to retrieve its gear. He states that this goes significantly further than the usual problems of co-operation between fishermen in the wake of Brexit, and that this incident is an example of ‘the tensions in the Pas-de-Calais region since Brexit and the reduction in fishing areas.’ more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 07:31
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