Obama signs Executive Order on response to climate change

The executive order establishes a task force – includes governors of seven states — all Democrats  –  Fourteen mayors and two other local leaders -All but three are Democrats – administration official who asked not to be identified-  asked to not be identified because he was not authorized –  combat global warming – Obama’s plan would be put in place through executive order – bypassing Congress – executive order – executive order – exec  more@bostonherald  07:16 Check out EC Newell Man’s comment. I agree!

One Response to Obama signs Executive Order on response to climate change

  1. Leftist article from above states:

    “The 12 hottest years on record all have occurred in the past 15 years.”

    From the “National Climate Data Center” on LIVE SCIENCE online, 2013:

    “Fourteen states east of the Rockies had spring temperatures that ranked among their 10 lowest since record-keeping started more than 100 years ago.”


    Even the UK TELEGRAM noted this in a article in Sept. 2013: “Global warming? No, actually we’re cooling, claim scientists”

    “Despite the original forecasts, major climate research centres now accept that there has been a “pause” in global warming since 1997.

    The original predictions led to billions being invested in green measures to combat the effects of climate change.”


    The big push, yes “transformation” to a socialist United States by Bathhouse Barry, with the continued crony capitalism in GREEN ENERGY dollars for democratic bundlers.

    See Borehead, those who vote democrat do not believe this is going on, but interestingly this was just in Bloomberg a few weeks ago:

    “Barack Obama’s top individual fundraiser, a former technology executive who collected millions of dollars for the president, is seeking as much as $1 billion for a private-equity fund that will invest in infrastructure and renewable energy, according to a person with knowledge of the matter.”

    From: Obama Fundraiser Said to Seek $1 Billion for Private Fund
    By Miles Weiss – Oct 10, 2013 – http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-10-10/obama-fundraiser-said-to-seek-1-billion-for-private-fund.html

    “This is the most transparent administration in history,” Obama said during a Google Plus “Fireside” Hangout.

    “Its no longer the fraud of global warming, but climate change” – http://www.rushlimbaugh.com/daily/2013/09/27/last_gasp_of_the_climate_change_cult

    Didn’t someone in congress once say, “we must cut through the fog of the controversy?”

    People in this country better quickly wake up to where we as a nation are heading.

    Many of us came together when Lady Jane Lubchenko proceeded to “bend-over” the New England ground fishery in 2009, and how few in the Beltway listened as these ENGO’s were sowing the seeds to the destruction of Americas oldest organized industry, and so many in the media felt it was a “localized regional issue”, that would all just magically work out in the end.

    Anything Bathhouse Barry and his apparatchiks sets his sights on destroying, he will….by the way, how is the affordable healthcare working out lately?

    Redistribution of wealth and top-down government control of all aspects of our lives.

    Make a difference this upcoming election day!

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