Committee Approves Strengthening Fishing Communities and Increasing Flexibility in Fisheries Management Act
Today the House Natural Resources Committee approved H.R. 4742, the Strengthening Fishing Communities and Increasing Flexibility in Fisheries Management Act by a bipartisan vote of 24-17. This legislation would renew and amend the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (last reauthorized in 2006 and expired in 2013) to ensure that this fundamentally sound legislation works in the best interest of both fish and fishermen. Read more here 14:56
Specifically, this bill makes the following improvements to the Act:
Provides science-based flexibility measures for fishery managers when rebuilding depleted fisheries
Provides common sense flexibility measures for fishery managers when setting annual catch limits
Provides more transparency for fishermen and others in both science and management
Provides a schedule for obtaining better fishery dependent and fishery independent data especially for data poor fisheries and provides greater protection for confidential information submitted to regulatory agencies
Encourages and promotes cooperative research projects where scientists work with fishermen to develop sound scientific information
Allows fishery managers to take environmental conditions and economic impacts of their decisions into account when establishing harvest levels
Allows fishermen in regions where catch share programs have been controversial to have a say in whether a new catch share program will be implemented and to be provided better information when considering such a program
Requires NOAA to provide better accountability on how fees are collected and used
Clarifies the role of the Magnuson-Stevens Act in relationship to other Federal statutes
Authorizes appropriations for an additional five fiscal years at current funding level
Thanks for alerting us. I have — in vain — tried to join the conversation on your website.
You may be interested to read what I have sent out:
Dear Chairman Hastings,
Your work on the revision of the Magnuson-Stevens Act is clearly painstaking. However, IMHO it does little to address the core of the issues.
As I have stated many times in many places, including comments to your committee, NOAA should be encouraged to perform two tasks only, tasks that can be done well: NOAA should regulate the operations of large national and international corporations (leaving the family fishing fleet well alone to design its own regulatory measures); NOAA should also be encouraged to learn everything possible about natural predator/prey cycles (and encourage fishermen to harvest predators and leave depleted prey species well alone).
Thank you for your consideration of these two recommendations.
Carmine Gorga, Ph.D.
The Somist Institute
87 Middle Street
Gloucester, MA USA 01930
Political democracy is empty without economic democracy
It all comes down to as simple as a line from the Movie Caddy Shack. In the immortal words of Rodney Dangerfield :”Cemeteries and Golf Courses are the biggest waste of Real Estate”.
Now bring in “The Obama Ocean Policy” that is gridding up the Oceans, Lakes, Rivers, and such to be leased for multiple uses. That land prior to the Executive Act enacted by Obama himself was all Americans Common Property. Our Water and the Resources above, in it, and below.
Sectors and Catch Shares pretty much wiped out the Voice of the Fishermen.
Remember Money talks Fishermen walk away from a Hostile takeover. Oh Yeah, and Bullshit still walks or creates a Non-Profit.