Fisher or fisherman? What do Kodiak harvesters prefer?
This is Fish Radio. I’m Stephanie Mangini. Is the word fisherman gender biased? Since the beginning of time the word fisherman has been used to describe a person who captures fish and other animals from a body of water. Fish Radio asked fishing men and women of Kodiak what they thought of the more gender neutral name change. Listen, and read more here 16:21
“The fisher is a forest-dwelling creature whose range covers much of the boreal forest in Canada to the northern fringes of the United States.” (Wiki)
“The person who busts their a$$ to earn a living on a fishing boat, regardless of physical gender, is a FISHERMAN.” (Cledus)
I agree. It appears the people that use the term fisher in articles are trying to be “politically correct” even though they don’t know wtf their talking about!
I gag every time I hear the term “harvester” and “fisher”. Enemy-speak.
Well you certainly know what your dealing with when you hear some moron using these terms. Idiots, end of story. That’s about as PC as I can get.
As a Kodiak fisherman who was taught to gut halibut on a 24 hour opener by a woman, run down and almost swamped in Karluk Lagoon by Mary on the “Renesaunce” (Can’t spell), and having fished with a number of female fishermen around Kodiak. I would call them whatever they prefer and never consider using a diminutive like “Fisher,” or “Harvester.” Those terms are made up by girly men who wouldn’t last a day in those ladies extra-tuffs.
I fished 37 years , I had my wife fish Puget sound with me ,she could out pick most men ( those nets 180 meshes deep) If you called her a Fisher/ fisherperson ! UFTAH !!!! Your on a boat you are a. FISHERMAN !!!