Breaking! Top “Wicked Tuna” Series Boat F/V Hard Merchandise sinks at the dock.
Captain Dave Marciano’s Hard Merchandise sank at the dock in East Gloucester. Details are unavailable at the moment. I would call him, but I’m sure he’s busy, and I’m certain his priority is his boat. There are updates on his Facebook page with much support from well wishers offering their assistance. The origional tip was from GoodMorningGloucester, the premier local blog. She is in the process of being raised.
Dave and his nephew, First Mate Jason Muenzner have become fan favorites. From the website:
Welcome to the website of the F/V Hard Merchandise and Angelica Fisheries!
We are one of Gloucester’s traditional, old school, commercial fishing vessels, working year round to feed the nation.
We are proud to be featured as part of the National Geographic Channel’s show “Wicked Tuna” . We think we are the wickedest tuna boat out there.

Nice place to be at work
Open sea nice crew
You are so calm out there and relaxed
You make it feel like you do this for a hobby not a job
The rest of the boats are up tight on the show
on my bucket list is to reel in a tuna
Maybe one day it will happen
Keep up the good work
Nice show
Al lusardi
Fishing for a living has got to be a love / hate relationship. One moment calm seas and calm crew and in a flash the seas turn wicked as well dangerous. You may spend a small fortune on fuel and bait while catching zero fish but at the end of the day you have danced with the sea and nature while getting to know yourself and your crew better.
Dave and nephew are the best if the bunch,some real down to earth fellas. I find a couple of the other captains have to big egos and no humility. Wish i lived closer to Mass be more than willing to lend Dave a hand as a fellow fisherman ,boatsman and expert mechanic
I’d fish with Dave Marciano and Tyler any day.The rest of the fleet act like a bunch of whiny, petty, jealous school children. They certainly aren’t very professional. They seem to forget that they are on camera when they talk behind others’ backs. Paul is an obnoxious ninny who thinks he’s the only human who can catch a tuna. tuna. He needs to get back on his meds. Can you imagine having to listen to him all the time?
I love the show and I know Drama sales, but in my book Hard Merchandise is the only real men.
Love the show, love the Hard Merchandise hard work…. agree the only 2 men out there on the show…. ego’s in check….. My family is from Gloucester area…. have not visited since a kid…. I am sure the Hard Merch. will be back bigger and better……. love the show and love the state…. keep up the great work!
i have fish tuna all my life from 8lbs to the granders around the world with I.G.F.A. !!!
i have never seen or heard of a wicked tuna & i did it standedup not with the boats help in a holder, pussies doit in a hole !!!
go get em hard merch a true family business to the end ….
dave keepup the good work off and inshore !!!
hope ur boat is better then ever !!!