Rep. Zeldin Blasts NY’s ASMFC Delegates for Failure to Deliver for NY Fishermen

Today, Congressman Lee Zeldin (R, NY-1) blasted New York’s delegates to the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC) following the conclusion of this month’s spring meeting, during which no progress was made in rectifying New York’s already inequitable quotas for species across the board, including Black Sea Bass, Striped Bass and Fluke. >click to read<19:10
We have to give a heartfelt thanks to Congressman Lee Zeldin, representing not only the fishermen and people within 1st District, but also in NYC and Long Island. Congressman Zeldin has consistently been the strongest advocate for the working people in the beleaguered Empire State, and what he stated in his letter is 100 percent accurate as far as the lackluster representation and advocacy that the fishing industry receives from those in the DEC Marine Coastal District. I hope everyone takes a few moments to read Congressman Zeldins letter to understand what we are dealing with here. Also we have to thank Emerson Hasbrouck and his continued efforts in support for the fishing industry and fishermen in this state.
High praises for ,Congressman Lee Zeldin !!!! U.S.A. ocean states need more Knowledgeable Politicians , of whats the true picture of whats happening on our oceans TODAY ? The science being used today by A.S.M.F.C. Delegates is 5 to 7 Years Old !! AND MUST BE UPDATED !!!!
Time for more states to show the courage to stand up to the bullshit science being used to decimate fishermen and their communities.