Zeldin: The tide must turn for New York fishermen

In a district nearly completely surrounded by water, our waterways are our way of life, supporting tens of billion of dollars in economic activity per year. For our local recreational and commercial fishermen, it is how they make a living and provide for their families, but year after year the livelihood of our community’s anglers has suffered. New York anglers have been put at a great disadvantage, suffering at the hands of lower quotas and allocations than neighboring states. That means when two boats are fishing next to each other, one may be allowed to catch up to double the amount of the other because it is landing the fish in New Jersey or Connecticut instead of New York. >click to read<13:56
We like to thank Congressman Lee Zeldin who continues to support the fishing industry and our fishing community here in New York.
Every time I read about the Congressman and fishermen, there is no question he is one of the best representatives for them, anywhere.