Sam Parisi: Its 2020 and time to move this industry forward!
Here we are again, at the end of the year, and decade for that matter, as 2019 is ending, and its time to move forward. As some of my fellow Fisherynation readers know, I am motivated to try improving the U.S. fishing industry for our country’s working U.S. fishermen. I have reached out to my Senators Markey, and Warren, and also to Congressman Moulton to help draft a US Fish Bill. This is an opportunity for everyone in this ridiculously diverse industry from sea urchin, and scallop divers, to clam dredgers, and every faction of the industry, traditional, and exotic, to have personal input into a bill built for you, built by you, and built by your fellow industry members. >click to read< 16:50
If the federal government cut the funding to individual states. They would be less encouraged to put all of us Fishermen out of business!!
It’s time to shed some light on what and where the money generated from imported seafood is going. This is something these empty suit politicians can do very quickly and easily if they had any interest in being an allie to this industry rather than an adversary.
Face it folks, the fishing industry is not part of the agenda of these ultra liberal New England federal lawmakers. They’re more concerned with eliminating this industry to make room for ocean industrialization. The foreign wind mill companies who play with other people’s money are more important to them than their own constituents. Follow the $$$$.