Monthly Archives: September 2013

Proposed restrictions on Stellwagen Bank could sink fishermen – “In order for us to be effective, we must speak with one united voice,”

100_1287With a view of Green Harbor in the distance nearly 200 fishermen met at  Haddad’s Ocean Café to discuss the future of their livelihood and what actions  they could take to protect its longevity. At issue were proposals before the New England Fishery Management Council  (NEFMC) to establish further restrictions in the Stellwagen Bank Marine  Sanctuary, an area critical to the success of local fishermen. more@wickedlocal  09:49


WWF and the Association of Professional Observers call for measures against IUU fishing

WWF and the Association of Professional Observers (APO) are calling on the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC), for urgent measures to protect the health, safety, and welfare as well as promote the professionalism of at-sea observers assigned to fishing vessels as a way to reduce illegal, unregulated, and unreported (IUU) fishing. more@fishupdate  09:06

Lobstermen snap back at PETA video – PETA video is “just another publicity stunt to raise money”

The PETA video is “just another publicity stunt to raise money,” said David Cousens, president of the Maine Lobstermen’s Association. “This is the same group that wanted to open a lobster empathy center in Maine a few years back. They aren’t to be taken seriously.” more@seacoastonline  08:12

NMFS Announcement Puts TMGC Yellowtail Quota at 400 Metric Tons Despite Advice that Would Have Allowed More

logoEyebrows were  raised recently when National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS)  representatives announced in several forums that the agency would only  approve an allocation of 400 metric tons of Georges Bank yellowtail  flounder, despite determinations by the  more@savingseafood  07:39

Province rejects cod harvester application over CETA – Swimming in a Sea of Cod and No Market

Harvesters in NAFO Division 3PS had been leaving significant amounts of cod in the water because of low prices and, in recent week, a lack of buyers. With no sale for their fish, the fishermen asked provincial Fisheries and Aquaculture Minister Derrick Dalley to lift restrictions to either allow them to ship cod outside the province whole, or else allow buyers from outside the province to come in. more@cbcnews 07:17

Fishing crisis’ collateral damage – Fishing crisis devastating crews, families, too

100_1231They don’t know what to do. It’s as simple as that. The rumble they hear, louder by the moment, is their world collapsing around them and Everett and Jenice Sawyer simply don’t know what to do. Everett, 42, will leave on Thursday, heading out to fish aboard the offshore dragger F/V Sammy Jo out of Boston, out to Georges Bank, looking to land pollock. That will leave 46-year-old Jenice, slowed by a series of health problems, to pack up the remainder of their stuff from their Commonwealth Avenue apartment, from which they’ve been evicted for owing about $5,500 in back rent, and . . . then what? “I don’t know,” Jenice said. “Probably pitch a tent.” more@GDT  03:32

Ask anyone for their 2 cents: Are the state’s fisheries recovering from the 2010 BP oil spill?

The answer will depend on who you ask and when you ask it. A balance is struck between two contradictory messages: The Gulf is fine. Come visit. Eat our seafood. But it’s not fine enough to warrant suggestions of BP evading paying lots and lots of fines. That might be because looking at statistics, it’s unclear what effect the spill had. more@dailycomet 21:06

Lloyd leaves Kodiak fisheries consultant post for Anchorage position

KODIAK, Alaska — A former commissioner of the state Fish and Game department has submitted his resignation as a fisheries consultant for the city of Kodiak and the Kodiak Island Borough. Denby Lloyd’s last day will be Oct. 16. He will become the executive director of the North Pacific Research Board in Anchorage. more@adn 20:56

Campaign plans to reintroduce migrating salmon to Canadian Columbia River

A new initiative unveiled publicly in Revelstoke last week plans to eventually return the migrating chinook, sockeye and steelhead back to the North Columbia. Two ‘salmon ambassadors’ visited a Revelstoke Secondary School classroom on Sept. 19, where they pitched the idea to a class studying First Nations issues, planting a seed with the generation who could see the idea through. more@revelstoketimes  18:37

A 31-year-old man was medically evacuated from F/V Captain Bob, a 36-foot commercial vessel

uscg-logoA crewmember aboard the vessel Captain Bob contacted Coast Guard Sector St. Petersburg watchstanders at 8:55 a.m., via VHF-FM channel 16 radio reporting a man aboard the vessel was in need of medical assistance. more@uscgnews 16:12

Texas men accused of fishing violations in Cameron Parish, La.

According to a news release from the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries, on Sept. 20, agents arrested 21-year-old Jireh A. Slaughter and 20-year-old Tevvin T. Jones, both of Orange, Texas. The two are facing charges of theft of crabs, taking commercial fish without a license, without a gear license and without a vessel license, violating interstate commerce regulations and resisting an officer by flight. [email protected] 16:05

The 2013 Arctic Science Conference – September 26th–28th in Kodiak, Alaska

Fisheries and Watersheds: Food Security, Education and Sustainability Future concerns about Alaska’s marine resources, particularly the fisheries, revolve around the status of research and education and our ability to wisely utilize this cornucopia. The 2013 Arctic Science Conference will feature a variety of sessions focusing on marine science, sustainability, circumpolar health, and interdisciplinary education. [email protected] 15:35

9 reasons to fear your steak dinner – Our favorite meats are loaded with contaminants, all so the food industry can improve its profit margins

Recently, the US Department of Agriculture announced plans to “relax” federal meat and poultry inspections, allowing meat processors greater leeway in policing themselves, already the agricultural trend. more@salon 15:25

Doggedly focused on a ‘forever’ fishing future – On the record with… Robin Alden

STONINGTON — It’s not pie-in-the-sky optimism that drives Robin Alden. It’s fish-in-the-sea facts. Alden, executive director of the Penobscot East Resource Center, a non-profit organization she formed in 2003, believes passionately and rationally in PERC’s slogan, “Fish Forever.” more@workingwaterfront 15:09

Artificial Reef Structures Deployed in Gulf of Mexico

The plans to deploy about 150 concrete culverts or “artificial reefs”  took quite a bit of manpower and cranes to drop into the gulf. Project manager, Joey Flores with Callan Marine says these culverts will help habitat development off Mustang Island. [email protected]  Read more about this here14:54

Hang on Chesapeake Bay Watermen, EDF has the catch share plan to make your lives just ducky! Say good bye to your way of life and tradition.

EDF: A better way to manage the crab harvest We need to take crab management to the next level if we want to build and secure the long-term health and vitality of the Chesapeake’s blue crab population for future generations of blue crab eaters and harvesters. more@baltimoresun 14:37

This ENGO fails to address the real issues of the Bay, and the issues of the crab stock. Same ‘ole warped notions of race to fish, controlling your destiny. It’s total Bull Bleep. Don’t let them continue the destruction of the family fishing operations, because they have YOU in the crosshairs of elimination.

Bristol Bay salmon values = $141 million (before bonuses)

FISH-With-Mic-Logo-GRAPHIC-303-x-400-e1360148757522From ADF&G, 9/24/13 –  The following is an overview of the 2013 Bristol Bay commercial salmon season. Fishing has been completed in all districts and preliminary harvest totals should be representative for all species. It should be noted that numbers in the narrative are expressed in rounded forms for simplicity and that all data are considered preliminary.  more@alaskafishradio 13:58

GDT Editorial: Warren right to note need for fishing aid beyond ‘loans’

gdt iconWhile our federal lawmakers join the push for offering federal Small Business Administrations loans to Gloucester’s and other fishermen (see news story, Page 1), it’s encouraging to hear U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren also concede that any such package would be merely be a positive first step toward the type of relief fishermen need. more@GDT 13:44

Senator Murkowski’s Months of Pressure, Legislative Efforts Reap Government Revisions

MSC-Logo “Not too long ago, wild Alaska salmon served as the flagship species for sustainability around the world. Now some NGO are disparaging the “sustainability” of Alaska salmon, all the while having political agendas, lacking transparency, and using their certification schemes to inappropriately influence federal and state fisheries management.” Senator Murkowski  more here 09:32

Mass. delegation calling SBA loans aid for the New England fishing industry.

The entire Massachusetts Congressional delegation has asked the U.S. Small Business Administration to provide financial assistance to New England fishermen who have been affected by reductions in annual catch limits and groundfish stocks. The Commerce Department last fall issued a declaration of disaster for the Northeast groundfish fishery, saying that it could require $100 million in federal aid. more@capecodonline  08:27

Lawmakers join push for SBA fish aid – Gloucester Daily Times 13:50

PETA: Following EPIC FAIL with Lobster Cruelty Hyperbole turns to the Boston Collge Eagle mascot

On Monday, the animal protection organization sent a letter to Neil Mendelsohn, acting Special Agent in charge of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, asking the agency to investigate Boston College’s use of a live bald eagle as the school football team’s official representative. more@bostonglobemagazine   They don’t make ’em like this any more!!The Bird is the word! 07:48

THOMAS A. NIES NEFMC: Scientific scrutiny, not fishing, must take precedence – Would close 55 sq miles of Stellwagon “reference” area

I offer a few comments to Patriot Ledger readers on a piece published Sept.  18, “Charter boat operators say ban would put them out of business.” The article described a meeting hosted by the Stellwagen Bank Charter Boat  Association in Marshfield. I provided attendees with an overview of habitat  protection measures that are being considered by the New England Fishery  Management Council. more@wickedlocal 07:09 I disagree.

New Bedford Working Waterfront Fesival – September 28 & 29, 2013- Fisherpoets catch the soul of New Bedford’s signature industry

Working_Waterfront_FestivalNEW BEDFORD — When Jon Broderick graduated from college in Seattle in 1976, he was interested in three things: Poetry, guitar and fishing. So he headed out to Kodiak, Alaska, to have a Jack London-esque adventure in the Big Country. Broderick is one of the fisher-poets and singers who will perform for SouthCoast students at local elementary, middle and high schools on Friday, Sept. 27 before their public performances at the annual Working Waterfront Festival on Saturday and Sunday. more@southcoasttoday  The Working Waterfront Festival  The earlier post here!  03:30

On the Yukon River, a Troubling Salmon Decline

Every year, thousands of Chinook salmon swim past Eagle en route to their Canadian spawning grounds, some as far away as Teslin, Yukon, nearly 2,000 miles from the ocean. Before the salmon reach Eagle, they’re American fish; once they’ve passed the town, they effectively become Canadian. And while the salmon may not understand the distinction, the humans who fish for them certainly do. Click here for larger image [email protected]  22:58

This one should be bookmarked to your favorites! – Inthetote – … an online archive of fisherpoetry, story and song

These are the writings, musings, song lyrics and tales tall and small of the commercial fishing industry and the life and adventures that float within it. I’ve listened to a few cuts this evening, and they have been extraordinary. Bookmark this and enjoy the talent! 22:41

Shrimpers are angry over the rejection of tariffs on imported shrimp

New Orleans, La. – Local shrimpers are angry over the rejection of tariffs on imported shrimp, which they say are hurting their industry. They say those imports, from places like China and Vietnam, often get subsidies as high as 50 percent making it tough for many to compete. more@fox8live  20:10

Will the World Adopt Sustainable Longline Fishing Practices?

The United States is the world leader in innovations to reduce longlining bycatch of birds, but we haven’t come nearly as far with protections for non-target fish and sea turtles. Many other nations don’t use mitigation for any kind of bycatch. Largely as a result, about half of the world’s petrels and most of the albatrosses are threatened with extinction. more@audubonmagazine 19:55

On the Grill! Walmart and Sodexo – Senate Subcommittee hearing on Tuesday, September 24, 2013 at 10:30 a.m.

Subcommittee Hearing Date: Tuesday, September 24, 2013 Hearing Start Time: 10:30 a.m. Location: 253 Russell Senate Office Building Please note the hearing will be webcast live via the Senate Commerce Committee website Witness Panel 1  Samuel D. Rauch III – Assistant Administrator (Acting)  National Marine Fisheries ServiceDarren  Blue – Assistant Commissioner for Facilities Management & Services Program General Services Administration Witness Panel 2  Stefanie  Moreland Office of Governor Sean Parnell, State of Alaska, Jeffrey  Rice Senior Director, Sustainability Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., Mr. Michael  Montelongo Sodexo, Inc., John  Connelly  National Fisheries Institute [email protected] 16:43

In Public Notices – South Atlantic Fishery Management Council Approves Broad Range of Federal Management Measures

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 23, 2013  The South Atlantic Fishery Management Council approved several amendments to federal fishery management plans during its quarterly meeting this past week in Charleston, South Carolina, including measures to help reduce bycatch, increase annual catch limits, improve data reporting, and provide further protection of deepwater coral areas. The Council considered recommendations from its advisory. more here 15:59