Daily Archives: December 20, 2015

Bipartisan group opposes oil exploration off Georgia

thumbnail-cca182d6f5278d056c24c2d569236ac8-620x330Led by U.S. Reps Mark Sanford, R-S.C., and Bobby Scott, D-Va., a bipartisan group of 33 house members last week sent a letter to the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management opposing seismic testing for offshore oil. U.S. Rep. Buddy Carter, the Republican freshman whose district spans the Georgia Coast, did not sign on. The letter requested a halt to the permitting and review process for potential seismic testing in the Atlantic Ocean from Virginia through Georgia. Read the article here 16:45

Fishermen asked to help identify Bay of Fundy priority areas

bay of fundy oil spill concernsThe Fishermen and Scientists Research Society is looking for help in identifying important areas of the Fundy coast and inshore waters for priority protection in the event of an oil spill. In its newsletter last week, the society said its Area Response Planning project is relying on the knowledge of local fishermen and fisheries organization representatives to identify priority areas. Read the article here 13:53

Sunday Read: Two Fishing Industry articles written by the late Jim O’Malley show how far we have not come.

Jim O’Malley, (whom has since passed away) member of the New England Fisheries Management Council and Executive Director of the East Coast Fisheries Federation, has been involved in fisheries issues at the national and international level from the pre-Magnuson era. In this presentation ( click here, Finding a Balance Between Economy and Ecosystem) he reflects on what is becoming a growing concern among industry members, responsible scientists and managers; the misuse of information to demonize the commercial fishing industry. – It was written in 1999. What has changed? Nothing! Read From Science to Illusion: Mathematics in Fishery Management written in 1998 (click here) 12:13

Rhode Island Fishermen’s Alliance Weekly Update, December 20, 2015

rifa logoThe Rhode Island Fishermen’s Alliance is dedicated to its mission of continuing to help create sustainable fisheries without putting licensed fishermen out of business.” Read the update here To read all the updates, click here 10:53

U.S. lobster exports to Europe are down for Christmas season, but, they are up in China!

There will be fewer claws for Christmas in Europe this year. Less of the record lobster catches that have been a boon for the American fishing industry are making it onto European tables, where they have long been a holiday tradition, from lobster Thermidor in France to Italy’s La Vigilia, known in America as the Feast of the Seven Fishes. But a strong U.S. dollar and a less-than-festive economy overseas mean a weak year for American shippers like Mike Tourkistas. Read the article here 10:33

East Hampton Star Editorial board spins – “The Right’s War On Science”

The East Hampton Star ran an editorial titled “The Right’s War On Science”, an extremist political rant regarding science denial. They listed plenty of examples like the 97% of scientist believe, Mitch McConnell, Bill McKibben founder of the 350.org campaign, and the like, then use the House of Representatives’ Committee on Natural Resources field hearing on Atlantic fisheries in Riverhead as another example of denial of certain elected representatives regarding NOAA fish science. It is obvious the East Hampton Star has not been listening to local fishermen when they defend NOAA,  like Rep Representative Jared Huffman( D-San Rafael) does. Read the editorial here 10:20