Daily Archives: March 24, 2019

Warm and Fuzzy. Pentony: NOAA patching up relationships with fishermen
We took a break from hoops last week to check out most of the video of NOAA Fisheries Regional Administrator Mike Pentony’s 90-minute sitdown with the editorial board of the The Standard-Times of New Bedford, a fine news organization that does a standup job covering the fishing industry in America’s most lucrative fishing port. The discussion was interesting on a number of levels. Among the most compelling was Pentony’s take on the “evolution of perspectives” that has shaped the relationship between NOAA Fisheries and the Northeast commercial fishing industry. “It’s fair to say that six to 10 years ago, the relationships between the industry at large and the agency were in trouble, were a real problem. Maybe at an all-time low, I don’t know. But certainly, with my experience, it was a real struggle,” Pentony said. >click to read<18:17

Interior B.C. historical society restoring 90-year-old Japanese-Canadian boat
The Merriwake fishing boat first hit the water 90 years ago near Prince Rupert, B.C. The gillnetter built by master boat-maker Isamu Matsumoto belonged to a Japanese-Canadian fisherman. However, it was confiscated from him in 1942 when he and 22,000 other Japanese-Canadians were forced into internment camps during the Second World War. Today, the Slocan Valley Historical Society is trying to raise between $20,000 and $30,000 to restore the boat to display it on a permanent dry dock near the village of Slocan in the West Kootenay region. >click to read<17:10

Leading veganism advocate is ‘really, really sorry’ she was captured on camera eating fish
As a lifelong meat- and fish-eater, I am savoring this delicious story of hypocrisy.,,, Many are motivated by compassion for all animals, though vegans take that even further, eschewing eggs, milk, and other non-lethal products of animals. At least 90% of them are women, mostly middle aged and younger.,,, A YouTube star who champions a raw and vegan lifestyle accidentally upended her own “plant-based” empire when she was caught on camera eating fish. Yovana Mendoza Ayres, who posts under the name Rawvana, has made a name for herself preaching the virtues of her raw, vegan diet,,,, Video, >click to read<13:19

Many Alaska Peninsula Corporation shareholders aren’t willing to trade salmon for gold
The Alaska Peninsula Corporation (APC) is the merged Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act village corporation for the Bristol Bay communities of South Naknek, Newhalen, Port Heiden, Ugashik and Kokhanok. Recently, ADN ran an opinion piece from APC CEO Dave McAlister regarding the proposed Pebble Mine, a project he believes can save the communities around Lake Iliamna from economic demise. I am an APC shareholder. I live in Igiugig, one of those wonderful Lake Iliamna communities, and I disagree. >click to read< By Christina Salmon-Bringhurst 12:32

Federal help potentially coming to help fight the War On Carp
The war on Asian Carp is nowhere close to being over. Lyon County Judge Executive Wade White just returned from Washington D.C. and says help could be on its way. During that trip, White requested 12 million dollars in funding. White says that money will go toward Asian Carp barriers at nine different hot spots on the lake, subsidies for fisherman, and research on carp control methods. Also in the works – a change to fishing restrictions that would allow commercial fisherman to fish on the weekends to help catch more Asian Carp. Current regulations restrict them from doing that. >click to read<11:31