Tag Archives: 815 horsepower

Lobster boats race in rain and fog in Bass Harbor

This year the big winner was Jeff Eaton’s La Bella Vita. The Northern Bay 38-foot, 815 horsepower vessel took first in its class and then topped the most competitive races of the day, Jon Johansen photos.

Drizzle, downpours and at times dense fog delayed but did not stop the roar of gas- and diesel-powered lobster boats racing through the harbor when the Maine Lobster Boat Races touched down in Bass Harbor on June 23. “It was an exciting day!” Race Committee Chairperson Elean Mitchell said, despite the cold, wet weather. “We handed out prizes during off-and-on downpours.” Douglas Cornman performed the blessing of the fleet at 9:45 a.m., with the first race starting around 10:30, Mitchell said. The 31st and final race finished just after noon. across the 31 races, with winners receiving $200 in prize money. Lobstermen race for bragging rights as much as prizes. The Maine Lobster Boat Races next land in Moosabec Reach in Jonesport on June 29 and Stonington on July 14.  7Photos, results, more, >>CLIC TO READ<< 10:35