Tag Archives: Accumulation of fishing quota
Letter: Accumulation of quota harms fishing industry – Frederick Brodsky – southcoasttoday.com
October 18, 2012 12:00 AM
Accumulation of fishing quota harms the whole industry
I keep reading about the demise of the fishing industry as the result of reduced quotas, as you point out on Page 1 of the Oct. 14 edition (“Industry’s big, little fish in peril”). What is not mentioned is the effect of “slipper captains” who sell their quotas, sit on shore and do not contribute to the health of the industry.
This concentration of quotas also has a major effect on the health of the fishing industry. Fewer boats with a larger percentage of quotas exacerbates the effect of smaller quotas. Why will no one discuss this practice or its effect on the industry?
Frederick Brodsky