Tag Archives: Attorney Stephen Ouellette

Miss Trish II plans harbor protest of onerous fishing rules
Capt. Lenny Russo of the 96-foot dragger F/V Miss Trish II said he plans to protest peacefully in Gloucester Harbor on Wednesday afternoon over what he describes as onerous fishing regulations. He is inviting other fishermen to join him. His Gloucester attorney, Stephen Ouellette, said the captain “believes he’s being treated unfairly” by “overzealous law enforcement.” Russo said he plans to head the Miss Trish II to Stacy Boulevard about 4 p.m. Wednesday, wave the American and the “Don’t Tread on Me” flags and protest what he said are unfair regulations. more, >>click to read<< 08:41
Fight over clam cages makes its way federal court
A seafood processing and marketing company with operations in Fall River has filed a federal lawsuit on behalf of itself and three other companies to seize about 40 clam cages that it alleges are being unlawfully held by two companies that harvest clams and one company that buys them. The defendants in the case include the following companies that harvest clams,, Read the rest here
Parties mum on settlement to end salvage claim against drifting Spruce Head lobster boat
The case centers on the 42-foot lobster boat Xtreme Measures which broke from its mooring off Spruce Head during a blizzard in February 2013. Owner Jason Hooper had no luck finding the vessel but 10 days after it broke its mooring, the 76-foot long offshore lobster boat Amy Philbrick spotted it 150 miles out to sea. Read more here 08:32